SWEET’N LOW will not advertise again during TLC’s All-American Muslim.
Supporters' emails to advertisers continue to make a difference.
Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on November 15, 2011 which reported The Learning Channel’s new program called All-American Muslim. All-American Muslim is propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values. The email alert encouraged supporters to send emails to the companies that advertised during the first episode.
Response to this alert was OUTSTANDING.
SWEET’N LOW manufacturer Cumberland Packaging Company sent the following email to Florida Family Association and supporters to communicate that they would NOT advertise again during All-America Muslim.
----- Original Message -----
From: DoNotReply
To: 'davidcaton@floridafamily.org'
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: Sweet'N Low advertised during All-American Muslims
Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns about our latest broadcast advertisement. We would like you to know that we did not deliberately select this program. As a small television advertiser, we purchase ads in bulk as “run-of-schedule” which enables us to take advantage of available slots on a wide variety of networks at favorable pricing. We are not a sponsor of the program nor do we have ads scheduled to run on future episodes.
We are a family run business and we appreciate feedback from consumers like you, as it is helpful in our planning.
Thank you again.
We do NOT recommend that you send an email thanking Cumberland Packaging since their “From:” email address states DoNotReply.
Home Depot also communicated that they would NOT advertise again during All-America Muslim.
Florida Family Association will issue a new email alert on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 to report the companies that advertised on All-American Muslim during the past week.
If you have not sent your email to the companies that advertised during the first episode of All-American Muslim please click here.