Channel One Network broadcasts version of All-American Muslim to 6 million junior and senior high school students.
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Channel One Network provides daily newscasts and education videos to junior and senior high schools across America. Channel One Network aired a two part series titled, “Muslims in America”, on May 16, 2012 and May 17, 2012 to approximately 6 MILLION students at more than 8,000 schools. The videos and transcripts for these shows are posted near the end of this email alert.
The transcript of part one of “Muslims in America” reads like The Learning Channel’s recently cancelled television show “All-American Muslim.” Channel One attempts to portray Muslims living normal American lives. But that contention is difficult to accept since the shows profiled two Muslim Students Association (MSA) presidents.
Two of the Muslims interviewed, Muhtasham Sifaat and Kyle Smith, are Muslim Students Association chapter presidents. Muhtasham Sifaat is president of the Muslim Students Association, Bronx Science. Kyle Smith of Plainfield, NJ is president of the Muslim Students Association at his university. The Muslim Students Association is "the mother ship of all the Muslim Brotherhood front groups" according to Jihadwatch.org.
Here is the Muslim Students Association pledge. "Allah is my lord. Islam is my life. The Koran is my guide. The Sunna is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right. I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression. And I will die to establish Islam."
USA Today reports New York Police Department “spokesman Paul Browne provided a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations, which the NYPD referred to as MSAs.”
So these are “Muslims in America” according to Channel One Network?
Channel One Network told 6 million American students during Part One:
• “So, Islam is basically, it really boils down to submission and your submitting to one God you believe in one God and you follow Prophet Mohammed who is just a line of other prophets from Adam to Noah to Moses and Jesus. It's like a lifestyle, and not so much just something you do every now and then. Honestly if you go down to the core beliefs, it's believing in one God and believing that Prophet Mohammed is his messenger.”
• “Islam to me is a way of life. It can change a person from being whatever...pit that person was going through, Islam can shine a light on the darkness that that person was in.”
In essence the Channel One Network May 16, 2012 report WRONGLY:
• Proselytized Islam to public school students.
• Presented Islam as a religion of “shining light” while completely omitting any mention of Sharia law which is hostile toward women’s rights, human rights and non-Muslim life.
• Put Mohammed in the same spiritual lineage as Moses, Noah and Jesus which is counter to Judeo and Christian teaching.
• Equated Islamists’ discipline (based on Sharia) to Christianity and Judaism.
• Gave Jesus only the status of a prophet to these 6 million students without mentioning that 2 billion Christians consider Him to be the Son of God.
• Took a backhanded slap at Christianity with two references to Islam’s alleged “one God.”
The Channel One Network told 6 million American students during Part Two “But it’s that tiny minority of Muslim extremists that continue to make headlines.” This statement deliberately tries to minimize radical Islamists’ threat to America.
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which claims to be America's largest Muslim civil liberties advocacy organization:
• Is an unindicted co-conspirator in the country’s largest Hamas terrorist fundraising case.
• Is opposing legislation in twenty states which seeks to ban courts from recognizing Sharia law which is hostile to many American policies that protect life and human rights.
• Routinely defends terrorists in the United States and abroad.
Now of course everyone should clearly see that the views of CAIR, the largest Muslim civil liberties advocacy organization in the United States, does not represent a large segment of American Muslims and could only be seen as Channel One Network sees them as “that tiny minority,” right? WRONG.
Channel One Network never addresses the fact that Islam is more than a religion. They never mention Islam is a radical political movement that seeks government dominion along with their oppressive Sharia law. They never mention that radical Muslims have seized Sharia control over Egypt and five other countries during the last year.
Marketing and media company Alloy, Inc. owns Channel One. Media investment firm ZelnickMedia Corporation owns Alloy. ZelnichMedia Corporation holdings include in-flight catalogue publisher and marketer SkyMall, online gaming developer Arkadium, video game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software, and market research firm OTX. ZelnickMedia serves its portfolio companies in either an advisory or management capacity. These three companies’ contact information is provided below.
Take-Two Interactive Software 2K Games subsidiary publishes franchises such as BioShock, Borderlands, and Sid Meier's Civilization; the 2K Sports unit carries titles such as Major League Baseball 2K, NBA 2K12, Max Payne 3 and L.A. Norie.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send urging Channel One Network, Alloy, Inc. and ZelnickMedia Corporation to stop presenting and proselytizing their distorted version of Islam to America’s students.
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“Muslims in America” Video and transcripts.
Part One Video http://www.channelone.com/video/young-and-muslim-in-america/
Part One Transcript: http://floridafamily.org/images/ChannelOne05162012.pdf
Part Two Video: http://www.channelone.com/video/islam-in-america:-part-two/
Part Two Transcript: http://floridafamily.org/images/ChannelOne05172012.pdf
Channel One transcripts. http://www.channelonenetwork.com/teacher/transcripts/
Contact information
Marketing and media company Alloy owns Channel One.
ZelnickMedia Corporation owns Alloy.
Channel One, LLC
151 W. 26th St.,
11th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 212-244-4307
Fax: 212-244-4311
Channel One is owned by Alloy, Inc.
Alloy, Inc.
151 W. 26th St., 11th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 212-244-4307
Fax: 212-244-4311
Geraldine Laybourne, Chairman
Matthew Diamond, CEO, Treasurer, and Director
James Johnson, President, COO, and Director
Alloy, Inc. is owned by ZelnickMedia
ZelnickMedia Corporation
19 W. 44th St., 18th Fl.
New York, NY 10036
Fax: 212-223-1384
Phone: 212-223-1383
Email Addresses:
Strauss Zelnick, CEO [email protected]
Benjamin Feder, Partner [email protected]
Karl Slatoff, Partner [email protected]
Matt Diamond, Chairman & CEO [email protected]
Jim Johnson, Chief Operating Officer [email protected]
Joe Frehe, Chief Financial Officer [email protected]
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Paul D. Folkemer, SVP and Director Education [email protected]
Scott Nelson, VP Sales and National Business Development [email protected]
Email to Channel One Network, Ally, Inc. and ZelnickMedia Corporation.
Subject line:
Channel One Network wrong to proselytize and present distorted version of Islam to public school students.
Email content:
My family and I are very alarmed by Channel One Networks’ May 16 and 17, 2012 propaganda shows titled “Muslims in America.”
Channel One attempts to portray Muslims living normal American lives. But that contention is difficult to accept since the shows profiled two Muslim Students Association (MSA) presidents, Muhtasham Sifaat and Kyle Smith. Part of the MSA pledge is to “Jihad is my spirit And I will die to establish Islam.” The Muslim Students Association is "the mother ship of all the Muslim Brotherhood front groups" according to Jihadwatch.og.
USA Today reports the New York Police Department “spokesman Paul Browne provided a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations, which the NYPD referred to as MSAs.” http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-02-18/NYPD-Intelligence/53143776/1
So these are “Muslims in America” according to Channel One Network?
In essence the Channel One Network May 16, 2012 report WRONGLY:
• Proselytized Islam to public school students.
• Presented Islam as a religion of “shining light” while completely omitting any mention of Sharia law which is hostile toward women’s rights, human rights and non-Muslim life.
• Put Mohammed in the same spiritual lineage as Moses, Noah and Jesus which is counter to Judeo and Christian teaching.
• Equated Islamists’ discipline (based on Sharia) to Christianity and Judaism.
• Gave Jesus only the status of a prophet to these 6 million students without mentioning that 2 billion Christians consider Him to be the Son of God.
• Took a backhanded slap at Christianity with two references to Islam’s alleged “one God.”
I urge your companies to stop presenting such a distorted and dishonest version of Islam and to stop Islamic religious proselytizing of public school students.
Please help this effort forwarding this article to family and friends.
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