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Will Office Depot continue to donate more than $1 million to Born this Way campaign after Lady Gaga had a date with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and smoked pot on stage?

Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation is telling kids they were born homosexual but social study stats show many kids are recruited by aggressive homosexual adults.


  Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation is telling kids they were born homosexual but social study stats show many kids are recruited by aggressive homosexual adults.

The email for this article was deactivated after Lady Gaga allegedly broke her hip and cancelled the Born this Way tour.

Florida Family Association reported on July 18, 2012 that Office Depot had pledged at least $1 million to help Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation.  One of the objectives of this foundation is to convince young teens and children that the bravest thing they can do if they are in doubt about their sexual orientation is to proclaim that they’re gay.

Thousands of supporters sent emails to inform Office Depot that there is no scientific evidence to support the notion that people are born homosexual but there are sociological studies which report that social factors influence sexual preference. 

Lady Gaga has been in the news since Florida Family Association reported Office Depot’s $1 million pledge to help Lady Gaga’s Born this Way campaign in July.


The Telegraph reported on October 10, 2012 “Lady Gaga visits Julian Assange for dinner at Ecuadorian embassy. Lady Gaga visited Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London and the unlikely pair had dinner together last night, it has emerged. The WikiLeaks founder, who is wanted in Sweden over alleged sex attacks on two women, has been holed up there since June and has claimed asylum. Lady Gaga is said to have spent five hours with him, emerging at midnight after the two had shared a meal." Full report.


The United Kingdom Daily Mail reported on September 19, 2012 “Gaga for attention: Smoking cannabis on stage. Are there no depths Lady Gaga won't sink to as her star fades? Gaga stunned fans by lighting up during her Born This Way Ball. Singer blasted for irresponsible behavior by angry Twitter users. Drug charity invites Gaga to come and see their treatment program at work.” Full report.

What a horrible role model Lady Gaga is for America’s children and teenagers. She had a date with man who allegedly raped two women and helped steal and expose classified United States military secrets. Assange is wanted for extradition from which he is hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. And Lady Gaga prominently smoked pot on stage for all to see with the purpose of getting attention which includes attention from America’s children.

Office Depot announced on July 12, 2012 that “Office Depot Partners with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation to Create a Braver, Kinder School Year - Office Depot to Donate At Least $1 Million to Support Born This Way Foundation. Lady Gaga (right)  There are a couple of examples of teens telling teens they were born this way from Bornthiswayfoundation.com posted near the end of this article.


There is no scientific evidence that anyone is born this way (gay.)   The American Psychiatric Association, a nonprofit medical organization, wrote the following information in a May 2002 article titled "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Fact Sheet," published on its website Psych.org:     "No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality." Click here to read more.

GovTeen Network’s Puberty101.com answers a teens question with:  "It is normal for teens to experiment with same-sex friends, and does not necessarily mean that you’re gay. Most often, you’re not."   This concept of teen experimentation resulting in their eventually finding the straight path is found all over the internet.

Factsaboutyouth.com statesSome teens may also experiment with sexual experiences, including those with members of the same sex, during the years they are exploring their own sexuality. These experiences, by themselves, do not necessarily mean that a teen is gay or straight.

Additionally, sociological studies report that a very large number of male teens and older boys are introduced to the homosexual lifestyle by aggressive homosexual adults.

The Family Research Institute reported in February 2009 this summary conclusion:  About a third of the reports of molestation by the populace have involved homosexuality. Likewise, between a fifth and a third of those who have been caught and/or convicted practiced homosexuality. Finally, a fifth to a third of surveyed gays admitted to child molestation. All-in-all, a rather consistent story. 

The Family Research Council reports that although homosexuals make up approximately 1.5% of the population homosexual acts account for as much as 33% of the molestations.  See Note 1 for documentation regarding 1.5% of the population reported as homosexual.

Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education in suburban Louisville, Ky points to figures from a 1991 population study by the U.S. Department of Commerce.  It showed that 8 million girls were abused by age 18 by heterosexual men, a ratio of 1 victim to 11 adult men. However, 6-8 million boys were abused by age 18 by 1-2 million adult homosexuals, a ratio of 3-5 victims for every gay adult.

All of these studies indicate that homosexual males target adolescent males at a rate that is disproportional to the population by 2200% (1.5% of the population which is homosexual accounts for 33% of homosexual abuse cases.)

Thousands of kids who might have otherwise worked through their pubescent sexual identity issues will be inspired to accept the wrong choice based upon this unscientific, emotionally charged propaganda.  What’s brave or kind about telling thousands of sexually frustrated teens that they were Born This Way when a high percentage of them would have ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life?    

Please tell Office Depot that Lady Gaga is a horrible role model for America’s youth and urge them to rescind their one million dollar pledge to Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation.  Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that expresses concern to Office Depot regarding their corporate support for Lady Gaga’s Born this Way foundation.

The email for this article was deactivated after Lady Gaga allegedly broke her hip and cancelled the Born this Way tour.

Examples from Bornthiswayfoundation.com

Sebastion from Michigan push for kids to accept born this way.

Tori from Washington push for kids to accept born this way.

Contact Information

Office Depot Inc
6600 North Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33496-2434
Phone: 1-561-438-4800
Fax: 1-561-265-4400

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Email subject line:  

Born this Way sends an irresponsible message to many teens who would have eventually chose to be straight.    

Email content:

The one million dollar pledge from Office Depot to the Lady Gaga Born this Way Foundation will influence many teens to embrace homosexuality for their lifetime who may have otherwise worked through their crisis with straight results.

GovTeen Network’s Puberty101.com states:  “It is normal for teens to experiment with same-sex friends, and does not necessarily mean that you’re gay. Most often, you’re not.”  http://puberty101.com/boys/am-i-gay/   

There is no scientific evidence that anyone is born this way (gay.)   The American Psychiatric Association wrote the following information in a May 2002 article titled "Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Fact Sheet," published on its website Psych.org:     "No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.’  http://borngay.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=1335

Thousands of kids who might have otherwise worked through their pubescent sexual identity issues will be inspired to accept the wrong choice based upon this unscientific, emotionally charged born this way propaganda.

What’s brave or kind about telling thousands of sexually frustrated teens that they were born this way when a high percentage of them would have ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life?    

I urge Office Depot to rescind their one million dollar pledge to Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation.  

My future patronage of Office Depot depends upon your response.


Note 1.  Source Adherents.com No. 5 is reported below:  Florida Family Association rounded off the average percentages of credibile studies found below to 1.5%.

5. 1.51% of the total U.S. population identifies themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, or 4.3 total million Americans. These numbers are based on figures provided by a broad-based coalition of gay rights organizations and homosexual advocacy groups. The primary source cited was the The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS), published in the book The Social Organization of Sex: Sexual Practices in the United States (1994), by Laumann, Gagnon, Michael and Michaels.

This percentage is significantly higher than estimates of the Canadian homosexual population obtained by the Canadian Community Health Survey, which was part of a comprehensive survey of more than 135,000 Canadians conducted between January and December 2003. This 2003 Canadian survey, which included questions about a wide range of health issues, found that 1.3% of Canadian men aged 18 to 59 were homosexual, and 0.7% of Canadian women were. On average, about 1% of the Canadian population was found to be homosexual. (See: "Canadian Community Health Survey", 15 July 2004, on the official Canadian government website "Statistics Canada" http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/040615/d040615b.htm). Researchers believe that the difference between these American (1.5%) and Canadian (1%) estimates of the homosexual population are due not to actual demographic differences between the populations of the two countries, but are due to differences between the methodologies of the studies and the sources of the information. The American figure (1.5%) comes from an independent study designed specifically to investigate sexual questions of behavior. The Canadian study was more general in its scope, and confidentially asked people about their sexual orientation. The sample size for the U.S. study (Laumann, et al) was 3,432 American men and women (far less than the sample size of 135,000 people in the Canadian study).

Referring to the Laumann study, the gay rights coalition stated that in the United States 2.8% of males age 18 or older, and 1.4% of females age 18 or older are homosexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual. We have applied their figures to the 2003 U.S. population (284,800,000 total population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau). 0.9% of women identify themselves as lesbians (excluding bisexuals), which equates to 0.32% of total U.S. population being lesbians. 2 percent of men identify themselves as gay (excluding bisexuals), which equates to 0.7% of total U.S. population being gay men. Source: National study published in Laumann, et al., The Social Organization of Sex: Sexual Practices in the United States (1994), cited in Amicus Curiae in support of petitioners. Lawrence and Garner v. State of Texas, No. 02-102 (U.S. March 26, 2003), pg. 16. This friend of the court brief was filed by a coalition of leading pro-GLBT activist groups, including: Human Rights Campaign, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAAD), Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Pride At Work AFL-CIO, People For the American Way Foundation, Anti-Defamation League, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Soulforce, Stonewall Law Association of Greater Houston, and others. See also: Peter Sprigg, 28 January 2004, "Homosexual Groups Back Off From '10 Percent' Myth", InFocus (Family Research Council), Issue No. 260; URL: http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IF04A01. From Sprigg:

A coalition of leading pro-homosexual activist groups has now admitted in a legal brief that only "2.8 percent of the male, and 1.4 percent of the female, population identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual."... in an amicus curiae (or "friend of the court") brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Lawrence v. Texas. In the case, which was decided in June of 2003, homosexual activists successfully sought to have a Texas law barring homosexual sodomy declared unconstitutional. The brief was filed by a coalition of 31 pro-homosexual activist groups, including some of the leading national organizations like the Human Rights Campaign; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG); the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD); and the People for the American Way Foundation. The unusually candid statement about the relatively low number of homosexuals in the population appeared on page 16 of the brief. The text contains the assertion, "There are approximately six million openly gay men and women in the United States, and 450,000 gay men and lesbians in Texas." After the national figure there appears a footnote, number 42 in the brief. The actual footnote at the bottom of the page reads as follows (in its entirety): "The most widely accepted study of sexual practices in the United States is the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS). The NHSLS found that 2.8 percent of the male, and 1.4 percent of the female, population identify themselves as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. See Laumann, et al., The Social Organization of Sex: Sexual Practices in the United States (1994)..." Unfortunately, despite their candor about the small percentage of the population that is homosexual, the authors of the brief still managed to overestimate the actual number of "openly gay men and women" by more than a third. That's because the figures of "4 million openly gay men and 2 million women who identify as lesbian" were apparently arrived at by multiplying the 2.8 percent and 1.4 percent figures by the total number of males and females in the U.S. population. Yet it hardly seems reasonable to count any of the 60 million Americans who are fourteen years old or younger (and particularly the 40 million who are nine or younger) as "openly gay men and women." If one applies the percentage figures from the NHSLS instead to only the population of men and women 18 years old or more, one arrives at an estimate that perhaps 4.3 million Americans (2.8 million men and 1.5 million women) identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. It is important as well to note that the "bisexual" component in that is fairly high. In fact, the percentage of the population that identifies exclusively as homosexual (not bisexual) is only 2 percent for men and 0.9 percent for women, or about 2 million men and slightly less than a million women. And even an exclusive homosexual self-identification is not always matched by similarly exclusive behavior. The NHSLS found that only 0.9 percent of men and 0.4 percent of women reported having only same-sex sexual partners since age 18, a figure that would represent a total of only about 1.4 million Americans (men and women combined). In fact, the book on the NHSLS that was cited in the homosexual groups' brief refers as well to "the myth of 10 percent," noting that it was probably drawn from part of the research of Alfred Kinsey. However, even Kinsey actually concluded that only "4 percent of the white males are exclusively homosexual throughout their lives." And the book by Laumann et al. notes that Kinsey used research methods that "would all tend to bias Kinsey's results toward higher estimates of homosexuality (and other rarer sexual practices) than those he would have obtained using probability sampling." [Two key reasons: Kinsey's research was conducted exclusively with males, which has a higher rates of homosexuality and bisexuality, and Kinsey's research was conducted predominantly within prison populations.] The Laumann book also mentions in a footnote that "Bruce Voeller (1990) claims to have originated the 10 percent estimate as part of the modern gay rights movement's campaign in the late 1970s to convince politicians and the public that 'We [gays and lesbians] Are Everywhere.' At the time, Voeller was the chair of the National Gay Task Force"--forerunner to one of the groups represented by the recent brief.

From: Dan Black, Gary Gates, Seth Sanders, and Lowell Taylor, "Working Paper No. 12: Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence from Available Systematic Data Sources", published October 1999 by the Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York (http://cprweb.maxwell.syr.edu/cprwps/pdf/wp12.pdf; viewed 15 November 2005):

The National Health and Social Live Survey (NHSLS) served as the basis for two well-known books, Sex in America: A Definitive Study (Michael, Gagnon, Laumann and Kolata, 1994), and The Social Organization of Sex: Sexual Practices in the United States (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, and Michaels 1994). This latter book features one chapter (Chapter 8) on gays and lesbians, which focuses on the definition of homosexuality, and the prevalence of gay, lesbian and bisexual behavior in the United States. One of the main issues addressed by Laumann et al. (1994, Chapter 8) is how varying definitions of homosexuality greatly affect the measured incidence rates... the rate at which men identify themselves as gay is only 2.8 percent and the rate at which women identify themselves as lesbians is only 1.4 percent. These rates are very similar to the rates at which men and women have exclusively same-sex sex (3.0 percent and 1.6 percent).

The authors' findings are extremely important for two reasons. First, they demonstrate the importance of sampling from a known population. There is a widespread belief, based in large measure on Kinsey's pioneering research (e.g., Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, and Gebhard 1948) that "10 percent of males are more or less exclusively homosexual." This does not find support in the careful work of Lauman et al... In addition to standard economic and demographic data, the NHSLS collects by far the most extensive information on sexual practices and sexual partners. It is the only data set that collects information on sexual practices over the life course -- an important advantage because sexual orientation is not immutable. Any inferences about gays and lesbians from this sample, however, are based on very small samples. For example, only 12 women identified themselves as lesbians and only 27 men identified themselves as gay in a sample of 3,432 American men and women. As we discuss below, far more men and women have had same-sex experiences during their lifetime.

Previously, combining multiple sources, Schmidt calculated that 1.8% of the U.S. population is gay or lesbian. Schmidt, Thomas E. Straight & Narrow: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press (1995), pg. 102-103. [Original sources: P. Painton, "The Shrinking Ten Percent," Time, April 26, 1993, pp. 27-29; P. Rogers, "How Many Gays Are There?" Newsweek, February 15, 1993, pg. 46; A.C. Kinsey, W.B. Pomeroy & C.E. Martin, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1948); J. H. Court & J. G. Muir, eds., Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People (Lafayette, La.: Huntington House, 1990); T. W. Smith, "Adult Sexual Behavior in 1989: Number of Partners, Frequency of Intercourse and Risk of AIDS," Planning Perspectives 23 (May/June 1991): 102-7. See p. 104, table 2. Smith is director of the General Social Survey Project at the NORC (University of Chicago).]

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Author: ffa   20130107   Category: Homosexualagenda  FFA: on
Tags: Born this way, Lady Gaga, Office Depot

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