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The Economist advertisements stop airing on Al Jazeera America.
  The Economist advertisements stop airing on Al Jazeera America.

The Economist advertisements have stopped airing on Al Jazeera America.  The company's advertisements have not aired since December 6, 2013. 

Florida Family Association launched several email alerts and posted an online article that urged concerned consumers to send emails to The Economist officers and board members. Thousands of people sent emails.

Florida Family Association was preparing an enhanced campaign that would have encouraged concerned consumers to send emails to the companies that advertised on Economist.com  However, The Economist advertisements stopped airing before the campaing was completed for launch.  This campaign will be restarted should the company start advertising again.

Florida Family Association does not advocate sending emails of appreciation to The Economist for two reasons.  First, the company continued to advertise after receiving thousands of emails from the first email alert.  Second, based upon the first reason The Economist could start advertising again on the channel in the future.

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Islamists  FFA: on
Tags: Al Jazeera America

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