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Zillow is the first significant mainstream company to advertise on Al Jazeera America in several months.

Zillow is the first significant mainstream company to advertise on Al Jazeera America in several months.  

The email for this article was deactivated after Zillow stopped advertising on the network.

Zillow, Inc., the well know online real estate and mortgage information service company, is the first significant company to advertise on Al Jazeera America in two months.

Al Jazeera is a news company that is owned by a non-democratic, monarch styled emirate who does not afford citizens freedom of the press, espouses Islamic Sharia law, backs the head of Hamas and supports the Muslim Brotherhood.

One hundred forty five companies (145) have stopped advertising on Al Jazeera America.  No Fortune 1000 companies have advertised on Al Jazeera America since October 6, 2013 thanks to the people who support Florida Family Association’s email campaigns.  More than two thirds of the network’s advertising time is devoted to Ad Council freebees, cable channel productions or network promotions.  

Zillow, Inc. certainly has the right to choose where they use their advertising dollars.  You have the same right to object and choose to patronize other companies that won't give your consumer dollars to Al Jazeera.  Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Zillow, Inc. officials.

The email for this article was deactivated after Zillow stopped advertising on the network.

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Islamists  FFA: on
Tags: Al Jazeera America

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