Expedia.com’s continued advertising on Al Jazeera America given small viewership vs complaints appears to indicate the company may have a passion for Islamism.
The email for this article was deactivated after Expedia stopped advertising.
Expedia.com is the ONLY Fortune 1000 company to advertise on Al Jazeera America since October 6, 2013. Expedia.com started advertising on Al Jazeera America on February 6, 2014. The last major company to advertise on Al Jazeera America was Procter & Gamble whose ads stopped airing on October 6, 2013.
The Florida Family Association office sent emails to the Expedia.com CEO and Marketing VP regarding the appearance of their advertisements on the network. Expedia.com advertisements continued to air on Al Jazeera America. Florida Family Association sent out two email alerts in February 2014 regarding Expedia.com's advertising. Thousands of people sent emails to Expedia.com officials. However, Expedia.com continued to advertise.
Consider the following facts:
Only 10,000 people watch Al Jazeera America each week.
Approximately 250,000 people visit Floridafamily.org, receive Floridafamily.org email alerts or read Florida Family Association postings at other likeminded web sites.
Each Expedia.com official has received emails from almost as many people who objected to their advertisements on Al Jazeera America as have actually watched the network on a weekly basis.
Why would Expedia.com invest in advertising that yields them 25 negative impressions for each one they pay for at Al Jazeera America?
Al Jazeera is a news company that is owned by the non-democratic, monarch styled emirate of Qatar who does not afford citizens freedom of the press, espouses Islamic Sharia law, backs the head of Hamas and supports the Muslim Brotherhood. Qatar is a Muslim-majority country with Islam as the state religion. Qatar is ruled by an emir who has been very adept at using Islamists, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, to promote his country’s interests and bolster his own domestic legitimacy. AL Jazeera journalists that are imprisoned in Egypt for allegedly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood were denied bail on March 31, 2014. The Qatari-owned media company Al-Jazeera saw 22 members of its staff in Egypt resign on Monday over what they allege was “biased coverage” of the events that unfolded in Cairo last week (July 2, 2013).
One could conclude that Expedia.com continues to advertise on Al Jazeera America out of a passion to defend or stand with the Islamist owned channel even though they know that the company supports Jihad, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law. On the other hand, some officials at Expedia.com may simply have scorn for conservative Americans who dare object to their advertising decisions. Perhaps it is a combination of both possibilities. Nevertheless it certainly does not appear to be a rational by-the-numbers business decision.
Expedia.com certainly has the right to choose where they use their advertising dollars. You have the same right to object and choose to patronize other companies that won't give your consumer dollars to Al Jazeera.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Expedia.com and HL Group officials to urge them to stop advertising on Al Jazeera America. Expedia.com reports on their web site that the HL Group is their "PR agency of record."
The email for this article was deactivated after Expedia stopped advertising.
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