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Progressive Insurance is a top advertiser at Expedia.com mobile app. Expedia.com is the only Fortune 1000 company advertising on Al Jazeera America.

Progressive Insurance is a top advertiser at Expedia.com mobile app.  Expedia.com is the only Fortune 1000 company advertising on Al Jazeera America.

The email for this article was deactivated for strategic reasons.

Expedia.com is the ONLY Fortune 1000 company that has advertised on Al Jazeera America since October 6, 2013.

Florida Family Association has sent out several email alerts regarding Expedia.com advertising support for Al Jazeera America.

More concerned Americans have sent emails to Expedia.com than on average watch the channel each week.  However, Expedia.com continues to advertise on Al Jazeera America. Consider the following facts:

  • Only 10,000 people watch Al Jazeera America each week.
  • Approximately 250,000 people visit Floridafamily.org, receive Floridafamily.org email alerts or read Florida Family Association postings at other likeminded web sites.
  • Expedia.com has received emails from MORE people who objected to their advertisements on Al Jazeera America than have actually watched the network on a weekly basis.

Expedia.com continues to advertise on Al Jazeera America out of what appears to be a passion to defend or stand with the Islamist owned channel even though their advertising dollars are yielding more negative impressions than positive ones. 

Therefore, Florida Family Association needed to change the approach to this situation by educating companies that do business with Expedia.com regarding their passion for Jihad TV.  This approach will include encouraging such companies to discontinue doing business with Expedia.com.

Florida Family Association's survey taken during the past ten days indicates that Progressive Insurance advertised at Expedia.com mobile app.   

Progressive Insurance certainly has the right to choose where they use their advertising dollars.  You have the same right to object and choose to patronize other companies.  

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Progressive Insurance to stop doing business with Expedia.com as long as they support Al Jazeera America.

The email for this article was deactivated for strategic reasons.

Contact information for Progressive Insurance.

The Progressive Corp
6300 Wilson Mills Road
Mayfield Village, OH 44143

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Glenn M. Renwick
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Chief Marketing Officer



Brian Domeck
Chief Financial Officer


Progressive Advertising Director


Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Islamists  FFA: on
Tags: Al Jazeera America

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