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UC Berkeley presence missing from CAIR Islamophobia press conference.

The Council on American Islamic Relations announced:  On Monday, June 20, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Center for Race and Gender at UC Berkeley will release a report detailing the more than $200 million provided to 33 Islamophobic groups nationwide in recent years.

However, UC Berkely officials were a NO show at the press conference:

•    There were only two speakers at the press conference both of which were from CAIR.  They were Nihad Awad, CAIR Executive Director and Corey Saylor, CAIR anti-islamophobia director.
•    No person from UC Berkeley spoke  at the press conference.
•    The backdrop displayed only Cair.com behind the speakers.  UC Berkeley imaging was nowhere in sight.
•    CAIR speakers did not mention UC Berkeley.
•    The reports displayed on a video screen for illustration headlined CAIR at the top and did not mention UC Berkeley.  
•    The Islamophobia report posted at Facebook.com/CAIRnational contained information from a UC Berkeley report that was prepared last year.
•    No one in attendance at the press conference asked any questions at the conclusion of the press conference.

Click here to watch video of press conference.

CAIR’s press conference was very short and was quickly closed.  The speakers did not appear to be very enthused about presenting what little new information (mostly about Donald Trump) that they had available.  

Hopefully, UC Berkeley’s absence from the speaker podium, absence from the organizations named on the backdrop display and the absence of any new report from UC Berkeley means they will not associate with CAIR in the future.

Florida Family Association sent out two email alerts that encouraged people to send emails urging University of California Berkeley officials to stop publishing Islamophobia reports that suppress free speech in a manner that can adversely impact public safety.

Thousands of people sent emails to thirteen UC Berkeley and University of California Regents officials.

A special thanks to everyone who sent emails to UC Berkeley officials. 

Author: ffa   20160621   Category: Islamophobia  FFA: on
Tags: UC Berkeley, CAIR

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