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Nike continues to sell specialize Pro Hijab as the media continues to reward companies with kudos for advancing the lefts’ new symbol of diversity, the hijab.


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Nike’s sale of a specialized hijab makes it more difficult for Muslim women to embrace the fullness of the liberty that is extended to them by the United States Constitution by doffing the oppressive hijab altogether as most other Muslim women have done in America as well as take a stand against the harsh Sharia tenets that oppress them.

Florida Family Association launched an online campaign on March 9, 2017 to counter Nike's announcement regarding the future release of the hijab.  The alert was titled "Nike is launching a special branded Hijab. Hijabs are an oppressive symbol of Sharia law."   Florida Family Association launched an online campaign on October 16, 2017 titled "Nike is spending your consumer dollars to develop a hijab, which is an oppressive symbol of Sharia law, for an unprofitably small customer base."

Nike announced “The Nike Pro Hijab is available December 1, 2017 in black and obsidian on nike.com and at select retailers in Europe, North Africa, North America and across the Middle East. “  

Florida Family Association launched a third online campaign on December 2, 2017 titled "Nike sells specialized Pro Hijab.  The hijab exemplifies Islamist oppression."  Follow up alerts were sent out for several months. 

Sportindustryseries.com published a glowing article in May 2018 titled “How the Nike Pro Hijab smashed sporting barriers.”   The article states in part “It may be a small piece of performance clothing, but the Nike Pro Hijab has made major waves across the world since its inception.”  However, how many people are actually wearing the Pro Hijab and what are Nike’s sales of the oppressive symbol.  The number is likely very small.

Unfortunately, marketing a specialized hijab makes it more difficult for Muslim women to doff the Sharia mandated headgear altogether and stand against other harsh tenets of Sharia law that repress women.

The hijab has replaced the pink triangle as the progressive left's top symbol of diversity.  However, tens of millions of Americans including thousands of Muslim women view the hijab as a symbol of Islamist, misogynistic repression.   Nearly sixty percent of Muslims in America do not wear the hijab according to Pew Research published by NPR on April 21, 2011.  

Some scholars of Islam teach that the Quran does not mandate the hijab.  The hijab was invented and mandated by Mussah Sadr, an Iranian mullah, in the 1970s, 1300 years after the Quran was written. Sadr issued a Sharia edict that required women to wear the hijab to allegedly prevent their rape.  Women In The World media published an article on September 15, 2015 titled “The day 100,000 Iranian women protested the head scarf.”  The article displayed a seldom-seen collection of photographs, shot in Tehran in 1979, of thousands of women who are not wearing hijabs or other oppressive attire prior to Sadr enforcing Iran’s new Islamist hijab law.  

British Muslim Qanta Ahmed wrote on March 18, 2017 in The Spectator UK:  “As a Muslim, I strongly support the right to ban the veil.  At last, the European Court of Justice has made a stand for European values.  Rigid interpretations of the veil are a recent invention. They’re derived not from the Quran or early Islamic tradition but from a misogyny which claims a false basis in the divine.”  

The same Sharia law that dictates women must wear the hijab also advocates harsh discipline (abuse) of wives, genital mutilation of girls and honor killing of allegedly dishonorable females.  The hijab exemplifies Islamist oppression towards women that is commanded by Sharia law and fatwas.  It epitomizes the cruel creed that it represents.

Nike's sale of a specialized hijab just makes it more difficult for Muslim women to embrace the fullness of liberty by doffing the oppressive hijab as most other Muslim women have done in America as well as take a stand against the harsh Sharia tenets that oppress them.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Nike officials for marketing the oppressive Sharia mandated hijab.

Click here to send your email to Nike officers and directors.  (For Gmail, Yahoo and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Nike officers and directors.  (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser because Nike is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not properly open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Selling a specialized hijab makes it more difficult for Muslim women to break free from Sharia law.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed that Nike is selling the oppressive, Sharia mandated hijab.  The same Sharia law that dictates women must wear the hijab also advocates harsh discipline of wives, genital mutilation of girls and honor killing. The hijab exemplifies Islamist oppression towards women.  Your marketing a specialized hijab makes it more difficult for Muslim women to doff the Sharia mandated headgear and stand against other harsh tenets of Sharia law that repress women.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


Contact information:

Nike Officers

Chairman, President and CEO, NIKE, Inc.

President, Nike Brand

President, Product & Merchandising  



Nike Board of Directors

Ms. Comstock, Director
Vice Chair of General Electric Company (“GE”).

John G. Connors, Director
Partner in Ignition Partners LLC

John J. Donahoe II, Director
President and CEO of ServiceNow

Alan B. Graf, Jr., Director
EVP, CFO FedEx Corporation

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Hijab  FFA: on
Tags: Nike, Pro Hijab

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