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Columbus Ohio, wanting to "have our safety forces to be reflective of our communities," continues to consider allowing police officers to wear oppressive hijab after department fought against CAIR and won.

Click here to send your email to encourage the Columbus Ohio Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, Mayor and City Council members not to change its values neutral dress policy to allow the oppressive hijab.  

NBC4 in Columbus Ohio reported on January 17, 2020 “Columbus police weigh eliminating hijab ban for officers.  Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin thinks this change is a great thing” that the city should approve the Islamist symbol that embodies Sharia law’s oppressive and harsh treatment of women. 

Florida Family Association responded with an email alert that asked people to send emails to encourage Columbus Ohio Police and City officials not to change its policy after being pressured by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR.)  Thousands of people sent emails to Columbus officials.

The City of Columbus responded to people's emails of concern with this message:   Thank you for contacting the office of Councilmember Mitchell J. Brown. My name is Denise Friend Foster and I am his Legislative Aide.  Columbus is a city of inclusivity. A major goal of Mayor Ginther and Public Director Ned Pettus, Jr. is to have our safety forces to be reflective of our communities. While Chief Thomas Quinlan has not made a definitive decision, he is considering revising the uniform standards to include the hijab.  Because City Council is the legislative arm of government, and Councilmember Brown’s belief in our city being inclusive, he will acknowledge the decision Chief Quinlan makes regarding the operations of the Division of Police. Thank you for contacting this office.   Sincerely, Denise Friend Foster, Legislative Aide, Councilman Mitchell J. Brown,  Chair of Public Safety and Veterans’ Affairs.

A decision to allow City of Columbus Ohio police officers to wear hijabs has not yet been made public.

If the City of Columbus, in its quest to "have our safety forces to be reflective of our communities," permits police officers to wear hijabs will the city also allow officers to wear crosses, kippahs, kufis, turbans, etc, etc, etc?  Or is inclusivity limited to the demands made by terror linked CAIR?  How will the general public perceive diverse attire by their police force?  Will the citizens served by the police department place the same level of trust and respect that they would for a police officer wearing values neutral attire?  Is the City of Columbus willing to test such a social experiment live on its citizens possibly placing their safety and the safety of police officers in jeopardy?

The Columbus Police Department defended its values neutral dress policy before the Ohio Human Rights Commission in 2016 after CAIR-Ohio filed a complaint when a police cadet was not permitted to wear a hijab.   The Ohio Human Rights Commission dismissed and criticized CAIR’s complaint.

Only a values neutral dress policy can be certain to instill the best sense of security in the greatest number of citizens the police department serves.  The badge of a law enforcement officer should be the only symbol that citizens see when an officer arrives to serve and protect.  An overwhelming number of citizens will not feel as comfortable and confident with a police officer that is brandishing a cultural symbol that is foreign or possibly offensive to them.

The hijab exemplifies Islamist oppression towards women that is commanded by Sharia law and fatwas.  It is a symbol of the cruel creed that it represents.  Click here for history and more information regarding hijab. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage the Columbus Ohio Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, Mayor and City Council members not to change its values neutral dress policy to allow the oppressive hijab.   

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to encourage the Columbus Ohio Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, Mayor and City Council members not to change its values neutral dress policy to allow the oppressive hijab.  

Contact information:

Andrew Ginther, Mayor

Thomas Quinlan, Chief of Police

Michael Woods, Deputy Chief

Council Members

Shannon G. Hardin, Council President

Elizabeth Brown, Council President Pro Tempore  

Mitchell J. Brown

Rob Dorans

Shayla Favor

Emmanuel V. Remy

Priscilla R. Tyson

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Hijab  FFA: on
Tags: Columbus Ohio

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