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HuffPost previews and advocates Biden darkness with ProFormParts advertising support.


The email for this article was deactivated after the company stopped advertising.


Looks like HuffPost and the White House are working in lockstep to portray Joe Biden as evilly “strong.”  But who is following who.  The HuffPost article and demonic photo of Biden was posted on August 26, 2022 at huffpost.com a week before Biden’s speech captured in the photo on the right on September 1, 2022.  Is collusion taking place between the HuffPost and White House?  

The HuffPost headline article published on August 26, 2022 contained this very dark photo of Biden with flashing red eyes.  The photo at this HuffPost article shows Biden with oscillating red eyes and fire burning up around him.    This photo is literally fanning the leftist flames of hate.  This manifestation of “Dark Brandon” as good because he “comes out swinging” ironically and tragically reveals HuffPost’s and the far left’s incessant support for the darkness of progressive policies.

HuffPost continues to significantly amp up the number of new companies advertising because the cash BuzzFeed received from Verizon to help it get through two years of operations is running out.   The Florida Family Association office is working hard to contact as many new advertisers as possible.  Since April 2016, Florida Family Association has influenced 1,803 companies out of 1,822 to stop advertising as of June 30, 2022.  “We must keep the pressure on HuffPost advertisers.”  Notes David Caton, President of Florida Family Association. “

HuffPost continues to promote outrageous lies that are likely to inflame hate among its leftist readers towards conservatives.  

On August 14, 2022 HuffPost published an article titled “GOP  Bashed  For Attacks On IRS Agents After Targeting FBI.”   The article reported in part:  Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is wildly claiming IRS agents armed with assault-style rifles are preparing to show up at Americans’ doors to audit their taxes.   Compare HuffPost’s lies to the News Week article titled “IRS Deletes Requirement That New Agents Be Willing to Use 'Deadly Force.'”

That same day HuffPost published an article titled:  The Right-Wing Plot To Destroy Public Libraries.  The article reported in part: There’s a long history of book-banning in the U.S. But conservative groups are emboldened like never before, and they’re taking their mission to a new level.

HuffPost published a headline article on August 12, 2022 that likened conservatives’ reaction to the raid on former President Donald Trump’s home to a made up story on aliens and that it is preposterous to argue that the FBI is in the pockets of Democrats.  The article was titled:  GOP THROWS THE KITCHEN SINK! WILD ATTEMPTS TO DOWNPLAY RAID.  The article states in part:  They're blaming an FBI that supposedly loves Democrats and planted evidence or maybe it's all about aliens.  

HuffPost supports the Defund the Police movement.

HuffPost’s lies about conservatives and conservative policy are designed to cause doubt, disbelief, angst, hate  and  division  among Americans.  And the companies that advertise with HuffPost are paying for such propaganda.

Floridafamily.org provides more details regarding concerns about HuffPost content and Florida Family Association’s online campaign at this Floridafamily.org article.

ProFormParts has advertised at HuffPost since May 2022.  ProFormParts is owned by AAM

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage officials to stop spending customer money on HuffPost propaganda that inspires disdain toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.  ProFormParts certainly has the right to advertise on whatever shows it chooses.  Likewise, you have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support leftist hate and Islamist propaganda.

The email for this article was deactivated after the company stopped advertising.

Contact information:

Tom Odom, President

David Ayers, VP Operations




Author: ffa   00000000   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on
Tags: ProFormParts

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