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Hillsdale response to concerns about its ads at Huffpost is gaslighting.

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Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on March 20, 2023 that encouraged people to send emails to Hillsdale College regarding advertising at the extreme left website Huffpost.com.

Hillsdale College responded to Florida Family Association’s email campaign with the following gaslighting excuse.

The information from the Florida Family Association is incorrect.
Hillsdale College does not advertise directly on the HuffPost website. It does not give money directly or indirectly to HuffPost (formerly The Huffington Post).  

The Florida Family Association misunderstands internet advertising.

Hillsdale uses retargeting advertising, a technique that serves ads to individuals who have previously expressed interest in Hillsdale College, either by visiting one of its websites or clicking one of its advertisements. A common advertising technique, these retargeted ads essentially “follow” the individual and appear on websites that the individual later visits.  
Someone from the Florida Family Association apparently interacted with a Hillsdale College website or advertisement and then visited the HuffPost website. The Hillsdale advertisement “followed” the individual to HuffPost.  

The Florida Family Association is orchestrating a self-fulfilling grievance campaign against Hillsdale College and other organizations.

Thank you,

Emily Stack Davis
Media and Public Relations
Hillsdale College

Here is Florida Family Association’s response to Hillsdale College’s gaslighting response.

It is truly sad to see this allegedly conservative college respond to Florida Family Association concerns about advertising on the extreme leftist website Huffpost with such gas lighting.  

First, Florida Family Association does not misunderstand internet advertising.  We have countered advertising at websites for over fifteen years which required a lot of education.

Second, Florida Family Association clears its web browsers of all cache and cookies before monitoring websites for advertisers every day.  

Third, Florida Family Association did not visit Hillsdale College at anytime before monitoring huffpost.com for advertisers.

Therefore, we did not pick up its ads based upon "retargeting" advertising as they claim.  This makes their claim of "retargeting advertising" suspicious.

Fourth, Florida Family Association emails to all advertisers, including Hillsdale College, regarding advertising at Huffpost.com state in part:  "More than 2,040 companies stopped advertising at HuffPost after learning about the website's vitriolic content.  http://floridafamily.org/full_article.php?article_no=831.  Please consider blocking HuffPost.com and Huffingtonpost.com from the websites that are available to your company at AdChoices and other online advertising vendors."  Florida Family Association sent several of these emails to Hillsdale College officials.

The super majority of the 2,040 companies that stopped advertising a Huffpost after receiving an email from Florida Family Association did so by "blocking huffpost.com from the websites that are available at AdChoices and other online advertising vendors."

Therefore, after being asked numerous times by Florida Family Association, Hillsdale College opted to allow its ads to appear at Huffpost.  Hillsdale College declined to block its ads from appearing at the leftist website.  So Hillsdale College clearly appears to be okay with advertising at Huffpost.

Fifth, even after receiving many emails from people concerned about Hillsdale College advertising at this extreme left website it declined to state in its response email that it would discontinue advertising at Huffpost.  Instead of removing any doubt that this alleged conservative college did not want it student's tuition or alumnae donations spent on this leftist website it gaslighted again by falsely claiming that Florida Family Association was engaging in  "self-fulfilling grievance campaign against Hillsdale...."

Sadly, Hillsdale College’s use of the term “self-fulfilling grievance campaign” looks like a back handed slap at Florida Family Association’s mission which includes influencing Corporate America to embrace rational, responsible and conservative advertising policies.


David Caton
Florida Family Association, Inc.

Florida Family Association has prepared a new email for you to send to Hillsdale College which contains our response to its gaslighting.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

The email for this article has been deactivated.

Here is the original email alert.

The well known conservative university, Hillsdale College, continues to support Huffpost.com’s leftist hate with its student  tuition and or alumnae donations.  The Florida Family Association office has sent several emails to Hillsdale College officials regarding its advertising since October 2022.  However, Hillsdale College advertisements appeared again at Huffpost.com the week of March 11, 2023. 

HuffPost.com feeds its readers with deceitful and hateful propaganda which likely inspires disdain toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.  Huffpost.com routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people.  These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations, blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog and encouraged Islamist demagoguery.  Examples of HuffPost's vitriolic, leftist hate and twenty five examples of Islamist propaganda articles are posted here at this floridafamily.org article.

It is alarming to see Hillsdale College spending advertising money on the hard left website, Huffpost.com, which publishes many baseless emotionally appealing articles that inflame its leftist readers with more angst against other Americans.

Hillsdale College certainly has the right to advertise in whatever forum it chooses. You have the same right to voice concern regarding the content on such forums and choose to patronize organizations that will not spend your consumer dollars supporting leftist hate and Islamist propaganda.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Hillsdale College officials to stop spending student tuition and or alumnae money on HuffPost propaganda that inspires hate toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to encourage Hillsdale College officials to stop spending student tuition and or alumnae donations on HuffPost propaganda that inspires hate toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.

Contact information:

Dr Larry Arnn

Bill Gray, Senior
Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President for Marketing

Patrick Flannery
Vice President for Finance and Treasurer

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on
Tags: Hillsdale College

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