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HuffPost.com has published numerous articles that promote Islamist propaganda.

Here are 27 examples of pro-Islamist articles.

Huffington Post articles have defended the Muslim Brotherhood, defended Sharia law, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), blamed Christian Islamophobia for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog, encouraged Islamist demagoguery, and promoted other Islamist propaganda.  Additionally, the Huffington Post has former Al Jazeera journalists writing articles and Huffington Post Arabic is led by hard line Islamists from Al Jazeera.  Many examples of Islamist propaganda articles are provided below.

  HuffPost journalist Rowaida Abdelaziz.  On December 8, 2022 Huffpost published an article titled “New Video Footage Shows Truck With Anti-Muslim Messages Targeting 4 Mosques” written by HuffPost journalist Rowaida Abdelaziz.  Huffpost describes Abdelaziz as “Rowaida Abdelaziz is a national reporter based in NYC where she focuses on immigration, Islamophobia, and social justice issues. She can be reached at rowaida.abdelaziz@huffpost.com.”

CAIR labels this truck media event Islamophobic as CAIR does in so many of its attacks on free speech.  The Huffpost article essentially gives power to leftist advocacy for censorship of free speech when it involves criticism of Islamist doctrine.  There is certainly more to the storey reported in Huffpost from the people who devoted a lot of time, spent considerable production money and risked their safety for this truck campaign.  However, the leftist media is interested in presenting only their one-sided viewpoint that supports the leftist narrative.   The people behind this campaign most likely had few alternatives to getting their message out given the fact that big tech would censor it if they tried.  So now, to fight Islamophobia, terror-linked CAIR and leftist Huffpost appear to advocate censoring the last vestiges of communication the people have.

Huffington Post published an article written by Ben Piven on January 12, 2017 titled “Why Al Jazeera America Failed, And Why We Need It More Than Ever.”  The subtitle stated “America desperately needs something similar to pioneer this new era of uncertainty and misinformation.”  Ben Piven “was at Al Jazeera for over 5 years, including several years at AJAM in New York City and also in Doha at AJE during the height of the Arab Spring.”

The Huffington Post Arabic edition is run by two hard-line Islamists according to a report published by Breitbart.  Anas Fouda, an Egyptian native now living in Muslim Brotherhood-friendly Turkey, is the new editor-in-chief of HuffPost Arabi. He was arrested by UAE authorities in 2013 after being charged with being a leader in the Islamist group, according to a NOW Lebanon, which linked to an article in which Fouda allegedly admitted that he has been a member of the Brotherhood since 1988. Prior to becoming the Huffington Post Arabic editor, Fouda was an executive producer at Al Jazeera Arabic, a network accused of having rabidly pro-Brotherhood biases.  The Huffington Post’s Arabic venture was created after the left-wing news network teamed up with Integral Media Strategies, an organization led by Wadah Khanfar, who was previously employed as Al Jazeera Arabic’s managing director. Khanfar, like Fouda, has been arrested by an Arab government (Jordan) on suspicion that he was a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood terror group. Additionally, Zvi Mazel, the former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt, has in the past noted with certainty that “Wadah Khanfar is a Muslim Brother,” and that the former Al Jazeera chief turned the network into a “weapon in the service of” the Muslim Brotherhood.

Huffington Post propaganda mocks, belittles and blames people who are concerned about radical Islam in a manner that impairs the willingness of some people to speak up for public safety.  Their propaganda erroneously blames alleged Islamophobia for the worldwide conflict between Muslims and infidels.  Florida Family Association started sending emails in April 2016 to encourage the CEO and Marketing Vice President of companies that advertise at Huffingtonpost.com to stop supporting the progressive website's offensive bias with their advertising dollars.

Examples of Huffington Post Islamist propaganda.

FIRST EXAMPLE:  Huffingtonpost.com published an article on November 22, 2016 that encouraged people to financially support the Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood linked Council on American Islamic Relations.  “With Trump threatening a national Muslim Registry and hate crimes against minority groups massively increasing in the days after the election, it’s critically important to support organizations like CAIR.”

SECOND EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on January 13, 2017 titled Cruz vs. The Muslim Brotherhood Boogeyman that appears to defend the Muslim Brotherhood.  "How the senator’s new bill could destroy American Muslim groups and lead to the “wanton violation” of civil rights. 

THIRD EXAMPLE:  Huffingtonpost.com defended Sharia law in its article titled 5 Things You Need To Know About Sharia law.  In the wake of an Islamic terror attack in Nice, France that killed 80 people, HuffPost reported “Asking American Muslims to swear off Sharia law is a violation of religious liberty.”  Many of the oppressive and violent tenets of Sharia law are antithetical to the rights afforded citizens by the Constitution of the United States.

FOURTH EXAMPLE:  Israel National News published an article on January 13, 2017 titled Huffington Post refuses to remove anti-Semitic blog.  "Huffington Post Arabi, Arabic version of left-wing media outlet, retains overtly anti-Semitic blog decrying Jews as 'murderers of Mohammed'."

FIFTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on July 19, 2019 titled "Rep. Ilhan Omar Gets Hero’s Welcome As Supporters Greet Her After Trump Attacks.  We have your back, some of her supporters shouted in Minnesota as others chanted, Welcome home!”  Huffington Post published the above headline article which praised Islamist United States Representative Ilhan Omar who spews anti-Semitic rants, wants to defund the Department of Homeland Security, fundraised for Hamas linked, Muslim Brotherhood linked, terror linked CAIR and sponsored legislation that is attempting to put the Director of National Intelligence’s Terror Watch List under leftist congressional leadership oversight.

SIXTH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post published a report on October 12, 2016 titled Islamophobia Just Drove This Boy And His Family Out Of America.  It appears HuffPost pulled the article altogether because of credibility issues.

SEVENTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on October 6, 2016 that is headlined:  "Let’s Talk About All That Anti-Muslim Garbage In Your Newsfeeds" that white washes Islam's harsh treatment toward women.   "And it’s not just your crazy ― but lovable ― uncle sharing these memes. It’s your school board chairwoman, your town council member, your postal worker and your state’s agricultural commissioner.  These memes would have you believe that the Quran compels Muslims to violence, that Muslims want to take over the U.S. and implement (gasp!) Sharia, that Islam hates women, and that all Arabs are Muslim and all Muslims are Arab.  In short, these posts are garbage."

EIGHTH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post published an article on Apri1 26, 2016 titled "Did Jesus Predict Muhammad? A Biblical Portal Between Christianity and Islam" appears to blame Christianity for Islamist violence.  The article states in part:  "I argue that Christians have the opportunity to transform the way we see Islam and Muslims by accepting Muhammad as Spirit of Truth. However, the majority of Christians still maintain a fundamentally Islamophobic position on Muhammad. So I believe that the time has come for peacemaking Christians to contradict this position directly.   This erroneously blames alleged Christian Islamophobia for the worldwide conflict between Muslims and infidels;  Dangerously perverts the Holy Scriptures of the Bible to falsely elevate Muhammad to a Judaic Christian status; and  Tragically ignores the millions of Muslims around the world who support the killing of hundreds of thousands of Christians.

NINETH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post published an article on July 21, 2014 titled 6 Convincing Reasons Debunking the Myth of Islam Promoting Hatred of Jews and Christians.  All a person has to do is to read some of the quotes from the Quran posted in the above Second Example to realize this article is defending the indefensible and demonstrates a clear bias for Islamism.

TENTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on December 16, 2016 titled Muslim Civil Rights Group Honors Jewish Counterpart With Award.  The Investigative Project on Terrorism published the following about this HuffPost propaganda.  "So the first Jewish group that CAIR honors is a venomously anti-Israel one that retails propaganda against the Jewish state and ignores the genocidal anti-Semitism of its foes. 

ELEVENTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on January 26, 2017 titled “The American Dream Or The American Nightmare?”  The article states in part:  “This is a call to your conscience. I am writing about the ‘Muslim ban,’ as people are calling it.  The ‘Muslim ban’ is not about security. This is about Islamophobia, plain and simple.”  Only fake news promoters are calling it a Muslim ban because that is not what President Trump’s executive order states.  More Islamist propaganda.

TWELFTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on January 25, 2017 titled “Don’t Deride Women Marchers — Help Them Become More Radical.”  The article headlines a photo of a women’s march protestor with a sign of a women wearing a Hijab that is made from an American flag.   This is a tragic display of hypocrisy having the Hijab, a sign of oppression and devalued women’s rights, made out of an American flag, which stands for freedom and liberty for all including women oppressed under Sharia law in America.

THIRTEENTH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post published an article on January 31, 2017 titled:  "Organizing Against Islamophobia: Reflection And Analysis To Strengthen Our Work."  The article states in part:  "Muslim communities and those being targeted by the relentless, ongoing Islamophobic, racist, and xenophobic assaults coming from so many directions are organizing with great integrity, strength, and intention. We know these assaults are not new, but the moment calls for all sorts of resistance."

FOURTEENTH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post published an article on March 30, 2017 and updated it on April 28, 2017 titled:  “The Hadith And The Myth Of An Anti-semitic Genocide In Muslim Scripture” clearly white washes Muslim bigotry towards Israel.  Robert Spencer wrote at Jihadwatch.org in part:   HuffPost gave “three Islamic apologists space to explain that the hadith in which Muhammad is depicted as prophesying that Muslims will bring on the end times by killing Jews wholesale is really quite benign and nothing to worry about at all.  Here is the fullest version of the hadith, which appears many times in shorter forms in the two hadith collections that Muslims consider most reliable, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim."

FIFTEENTH EXAMPLE: The Huffington Post started a project called “Documenting Hate” which put pressure on a Catholic Diocese to terminate well liked teacher Mark Smythe for sharing factual Catholic teaching with students that was critical of Muhammad.   In the case of the Huffington Post’s hit piece on Mark Smythe, the person who filed the complaint directly with the Huffington Post was not directly involved in the school.  This project is certainly being used to push the Islamophobia false narrative.     

SIXTEENTH EXAMPLE:  Huffington Post published an article on June 25, 2017 titled Another Violent Ramadan.  This article, which appears to focus on quelling people’s criticism of Islam, biasedly profiled a handful of incidents (many of them alleged incidents) that victimized Muslims.  The article quoted reports by the Council on American Islamic Relations.  HOWEVER, the article failed to report the overwhelming VIOLENCE that the people of Islam committed during Ramadan.  During Ramadan 2017 there were 161 Muslim terror attacks that killed 1,483 people and wounded 1,557 others.  

SEVENTEENTH EXAMPLE:  Huffington Post published an article on June 24, 2017 titled Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim.  The subheading stated "Right-wing terror is real, and it’s a problem."  The title speaks for itself as fake utter nonsense.

EIGHTEENTH EXAMPLE:  Huffington Post published an article on July 27, 2017 titled "I Became Muslim Because Of Jesus."  The html link for this article states "Jesus guided me to Islam."  This outrageous report is offensive to Christians.

NINETEENTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article on January 16, 2018 titled “The Girl Who Lied About Hijab Attack Deserves An Apology.”  Khawlah Noman, 11, started a media and political firestorm by falsely reporting that a strange man had cut her hijab with scissors on her way to school.  Her fake story captured national and international attention, and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.   Huffington Post reports that Khawlah Noman is not only deserving of sympathy but an apology for the blowback that came her way after she was outed by police as making it up.

TWENTIETH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post promotes hijab and Islamist oppressive dress.  The Huffingtonpost.com published an article on February 1, 2018 titled “One Of The Largest Retailers In The U.S. Is Launching A Hijab-Friendly Fashion Line.  Muslim and non-Muslim women will be able to purchase hijabs, tops and loose pants on the Macy’s website.

TWENTY FIRST EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article written by Nate Terani titled "Donald Trump’s America Is Already Hell Enough For This Muslim-American."  The article states in part:  "In some dark corner of my mind, given what we know about what we human beings are capable of, I can almost imagine some kind of Muslim-American version of the Holocaust, the ultimate nightmare that immigrants and Muslim-Americans have dreaded since Donald Trump’s election victory in November 2016, but dare not whisper."  This demagogic article clearly fans the flames of hate toward President Trump, his cabinet and anyone who rightfully expresses concern regarding the nationalistic approach that Islamists are taking toward establishing a Caliphate.

TWENTY SECOND EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article that promotes an Islamic rapper whose goal is to normalize the hijab and Islamist ways.  The article is subtitled “This Rapper Is Challenging Stereotypes Of Muslim Women Through Her Music."

TWENTY THIRD EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article titled "In The Name Of Hate, Muslim Women Face Road Rage Behind The Wheel" that defends the Sharia inspired hijab without evidence.  A Muslim woman alleges that she was the victim of road rage but the article states she does not even know what the other driver yelled at her.   The article states:  Although Omar couldn’t hear what he was shouting, she knew what it was about. In her gut, she said, she knew he was attacking her for her hijab.“ ’He was probably calling me a terrorist or something,” Omar told HuffPost. “I just knew.”  More made up accounts, propaganda.

TWENTY FOURTH EXAMPLE:  The Huffington Post published an article titled "Rep. Ilhan Omar Wanted To Discuss Palestine. Here’s What’s Happened There Since.  Israeli soldiers have killed two Palestinians just this week."  The article defended Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar and Hamas occupied Palestine during the time that Omar was spewing anti-Semitism vitriol.

TWENTY FIFTH EXAMPLE:   The Huffington Post published an article titled "Islamophobia Is A Global Crisis — And It’s Time We View It That Way" to push the Islamophobia false narrative.

TWENTY SIXTH EXAMPLE:  Huffpost published an article On December 8, 2022 titled “New Video Footage Shows Truck With Anti-Muslim Messages Targeting 4 Mosques” written by HuffPost journalist Rowaida Abdelaziz.  CAIR labels this truck media event Islamophobic as CAIR does in so many of its attacks on free speech.  The Huffpost article essentially gives power to leftist advocacy for censorship of free speech when it involves criticism of Islamist doctrine.  There is certainly more to the storey reported in Huffpost from the people who devoted a lot of time, spent considerable production money and risked their safety for this truck campaign.  However, the leftist media is interested in presenting only their one-sided viewpoint that supports the leftist narrative.   The people behind this campaign most likely had few alternatives to getting their message out given the fact that big tech would censor it if they tried.  So now, to fight Islamophobia, terror-linked CAIR and leftist Huffpost appear to advocate censoring the last vestiges of communication the people have.   Huffpost describes Abdelaziz as “Rowaida Abdelaziz is a national reporter based in NYC where she focuses on immigration, Islamophobia, and social justice issues.

TWENTY SEVENTH EXAMPLE:  HuffPost published a headline article on January 15, 2023 titled:  ELEVATING HATE: HOUSE GOP COMMITTEE CHAIR’S ANTI-MUSLIM HISTORY.  The article reports in part:  “New House Homeland Security Committee Chair Has History Of Anti-Muslim Comments.  During a 2016 tea party meeting, Mark Green told an audience that he didn’t want public school students in Tennessee to learn about the Islamic faith.”  This HuffPost article used gaslighting and name calling to wrongfully tarnish the reputation of a US military veteran who rightfully does not want the Five Pillars of Islam and Islamist creeds taught in schools. ”  Muslim reporter Rowaida Abdelaziz wrote this article and has authored other articles that promote the false Islamophobia narrative for HuffPost.   HuffPost continues to defend the indefensible Islamist agenda by gaslighting and trashing people who dare challenge Islamist doctrine.

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on

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