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Anheuser Busch CEO says his company will continue to support LGBTQ+ activities. Company still failing to get the message that consumers are fed up with woke.


Click here to send your email to inform Anheuser-Busch officials that they cannot continue to sponsor and support LGBTQ+ insanity and expect to keep rational consumers.

Times have changed and millions of Americans are fed up with having the insane LGBTQ+ agenda forced upon their lives and are finally reacting by holding accountable those companies that sponsor and support transgender and queer insanity.  People certainly have the right to live their lives the way they want but they do not have the right to force other people to agree with their life choices.  LGBTQ+ activists punish and want to punish other people who do not agree with their life choices.  

Bud Light sales plummeted after the company hired transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as a spokesperson.   

Anheuser-Busch responded to the drop in beer sales by firing the marketing officials that developed and produced the Mulvaney promotion.  The company also produced advertisements profiling horses, the outdoors and the American flag attempting to change its public image.  However, Anheuser-Busch acted as insanely as much of the LGBTQ+ agenda is by continuing to sponsor and support LGBTQ+ activities while expecting to regain lost sales.

Numerous news outlets reportedAnheuser-Busch CEO says his company will continue to support the LGBTQ community.     The article reports in part:

Anheuser-Busch InBev will continue to support the LGBTQ+ community despite backlash over a Bud Light advertising campaign featuring a transgender influencer that has simmered for nearly three months, CEO Brendan Whitworth said Wednesday.

Bud Light should be "all about bringing people together," he told "CBS Mornings."

"I think the conversation surrounding Bud Light has moved away from beer, and the conversation has become divisive," Whitworth said. "And Bud Light really doesn’t belong there."

His statements alone show the insanity of their thinking.  If Bud Light “really doesn’t belong there” then why is Anheuser-Busch keeping it there by sponsoring LGBTQ+ activities around the country?

News like this has dribbled out ever since Bud Light put transgender Dylan Mulvaney’s face on a Bud Light can.  And Bud Light sales continued to plummet 23%, 25% and 28% over the past three months.   Anheuser-Busch continued to support LGBTQ+ activities and consumers continued to recognize that the money they spend on Anheuser-Busch products was being used to sponsor and support transgender and queer insanity.

Anheuser-Busch wants to have its cake and eat it too.  They want to be able to spend customer money to sponsor transgender and queer insanity but yet keep as consumers the rational, sane, and patriotic and God fearing Americans who are fed up with their wokeness.  To make matters worse Anheuser-Busch does not even come close to equally supporting conservative organizations or advertise on conservative television and radio forums.  

Florida Family Association launched an email campaign on April 3, 2023 titled Bud Light taps trans activist Dylan Mulvaney for beer spokesperson.  That email campaign allowed people to send emails to protest Anheuser-Busch promotion of transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. 

Anheuser-Busch cannot expect to keep or regain rational, sane, patriotic and God fearing consumers if the company continues to spend customer money to sponsor LGBTQ+ transgender and queer activities.  

Florida Family Association has prepared a new email for you to send to inform Anheuser-Busch officials that they cannot have their cake and eat it too.  They cannot continue to sponsor and support LGBTQ+ insanity and expect to keep rational consumers.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to inform Anheuser-Busch officials that they cannot continue to sponsor and support LGBTQ+ insanity and expect to keep rational consumers.

Contact information:

Brendan Whitworth
Anheuser-Busch U.S. CEO
1 Busch Place
Saint Louis, MO, 63118-1852

Phone (212) 573-8800

Brendan Whitworth
Anheuser-Busch U.S. CEO

Benoit Garbe
U.S. Chief Marketing Officer

Simon Wuestenberg
U.S. Chief Sales Officer

Michel Doukeris
Chief Executive Officer
Anheuser-Busch InBev

Marcel Marcondes
Chief Marketing Officer
Anheuser-Busch InBev

Author: ffa   20230715   Category: Transgender agenda  FFA: on

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