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CAIR launches second round calling for firing of Jewish doctor at Johns Hopkins Medical for social post about Hamas. Here is our second round response with new email to Johns Hopkins Medical officials.

Click here to send your email to urge Johns Hopkins Medicine officials to restore Dr. Darren Klugman to his rightful position and status at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Updated December 13, 2023

Terror linked and Hamas supporting Council on American Islamic Relations increased pressure on Johns Hopkins Medicine to fire Dr. Darren Klugman for an alleged post on social media regarding Hamas and Palestine. 

CAIR-MD Director Zainab Chaudry inspired an alleged patient named Shama to go public with a statement that she would seek medical health elsewhere as a result of Dr. Klugman's post about Hamas.  The CBS report quotes Shama "Being a visibly brown Muslim woman with a head scarf, I am concerned for my baby's safety."

Ironically, Chaudry was also under fire last month for her social media posts relating to the rise of Palestinians.  Zainab Chaudry, director of CAIR's Maryland office, has faced controversy over antisemitic social media posts, including questioning the authenticity of babies killed in a Hamas attack and comparing Israel to Nazi Germany.

Below published November 20, 2023

The Maryland office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called on Johns Hopkins Medicine to terminate Dr. Darren Klugman, a pediatric ICU unit director’s employment at its Children’s Center in Baltimore, and for the Maryland Board of Physicians to revoke his medical license, after the doctor reportedly admitted to posts critical of Palestinians.  See CAIR’s press release

Johns Hopkins Medicine suspended Dr. Klugman and has removed him from references and directories on its website.  The New Post Reports published a report titled Johns Hopkins doctor on leave after calling Palestinians ‘blood thirsty morally depraved animals.’  See Dr. Klugman's posts at BareNakedIslam.com.

It is truly an injustice that Johns Hopkins Medicine responded to anti-Semitic, terror-linked and Hamas linked Council On American Islamic Relations by taking such action against an esteemed physician.

Tens of millions of Americans strongly believe in the statements expressed by Dr. Darren Klugman regarding the Hamas led Palestinians.  Millions of people have exercised their First Amendment Rights since October 7, 2023 by expressing the similar sentiments.

CAIR has a long history of links to terrorists and Hamas.  Nihad Awad, CAIR Executive Director, said "I am in support of the Hamas" movement.  In 2007, the United States Department of Justice named CAIR as “unindicted co-conspirators and/or joint venturers” in a criminal conspiracy to financially support Hamas in United States vs Holy Land Foundation.  FBI severed ties with CAIR in 2009 because of the organization’s links to Hamas.   CAIR chapters demonstrated in the streets across America in 2014 to show their support for Hamas even declaring that “We are Hamas.”  The United Arab Emirates’ ministerial cabinet listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 banned terrorist organizations on November 15, 2014.  Numerous Council on American Islamic Relations' officials have been sentenced to prison and/or deported for supporting terrorism.   

The horror that Hamas imposed on thousands of unsuspecting Israelis on October 7, 2023 opened the eyes and hearts of many people to see the unacceptable dangers of tolerating anti-Semitism.  

Please urge Johns Hopkins Medicine not to give more power to anti-Semitism in America by siding with the malcontent, anti-Semitic, terror-linked and Hamas linked CAIR.  Urge its officials to restore Dr. Darren Klugman to his rightful position and status at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Johns Hopkins Medicine officials.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge Johns Hopkins Medicine officials to restore Dr. Darren Klugman to his rightful position and status at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Contact information

Theodore Deweese, M.D.
Interim CEO

Kim Hoppe, M.A.
Vice President, Communications

Office of Institutional Equity


Author: ffa   20231213   Category: Anti-Semitism  FFA: on

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