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Will Oreo continue to show its support for trans agenda during Gay Pride month this June?

See email prepared below to send to Mondelez International officials.

Will Oreo continue to show its support for trans agenda during Gay Pride month this June?

Oreo has made dozens of ads promoting the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Queer/Questioning Transgender (LGBTQ+) lifestyle for nearly twelve years.  Oreo’s support for LGBTQ+ agenda started during Gay Pride June 2012 when Kraft owned the Oreo brand.  That advertisement prompted some negative comments from conservatives, but Kraft stood by its promotion.  Kraft changed its name to Mondelez International on October 1, 2012.

Mondelez and Oreo have somehow missed being the subject of news reports by significant conservative media.  Perhaps the absence of strong news reports is because Oreo had been showing its support for the LGBTQ+ agenda for so long it was not considered news.  Or perhaps the large number of products that Mondelez promotes through advertising swayed some media to overlook Oreo’s LGBTQ+ promotion.  Some of these advertisements are shown here in this Google search results

Ben Shapiro did make a post about this on April 12, 2022.  He posted on Facebook:  “Oreo just released a now-viral ad that features a kid coming out as gay to his grandmother. What does this have to do with cookies?”

Click here to see Oreo’s sponsorship of PFLAG. PFLAG stands for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.  But PFLAG also supports the transgender movement.  See PFLAG Supporting “Our Trans Loved Ones” 

No matter how hard a man tries he can NEVER be a woman.  Saying a man can be a woman defies science.  Promoting trans men as if they are women is insulting and injurious to women and lying and harmful to children.  Children are far too immature to choose a gender or sexual preference for life especially when the overwhelming majority of kids who experiment choose to be straight.   It is irresponsible to challenge the innocence of youth with gay and transgender propaganda when a high percentage of them would have otherwise ended up taking the heterosexual path for life.

Why can’t Corporate America just promote its good products without having to go woke in support of extreme social issues?

Gay Pride (June 2024) mania is just days away. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Mondelez International officials regarding its support for PFLAG and the LGBTQ+ agenda.

Click here to send your email to Mondelez International.  (For Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, live.com and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  

Click here to send your email to Mondelez International. (For Yahoo.com, Comcast.net, Frontier.com, AOL and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Mondelez International.  (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

Unlike most of Florida Family Association's action emails this email is designed to open in your email client because Mondelez International is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email by copying the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below in your own email client.  Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Very disappointed that Oreo supports PFLAG with its transgender agenda.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed that Oreo supports PFLAG with its transgender agenda.  Promoting trans men as women is insulting and injurious to women and lying and harmful to children.  Children are far too immature to choose a gender or sexual preference for life especially when the overwhelming majority of kids who experiment choose to be straight.   It is irresponsible to challenge the innocence of youth with gay and transgender propaganda when a high percentage of them would have otherwise ended up taking the heterosexual path for life.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


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Author: ffa   20240508   Category: Transgender agenda  FFA: on

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