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Please thank JK Rowling for defending genuine women’s rights and the rights of children in the face of encroachment by aggressive trans activists.

Click here to send your email to thank JK Rowling for her bold stand.

Jihadwatch.org published an article titled: Scotland: As new hate crime laws come into effect, JK Rowling dares police to arrest her over transgender issue.  The article reports:

JK Rowling has become one of the most prominent defenders of genuine women’s rights and the rights of children in the face of encroachment by aggressive trans activists. She has endured considerable personal punishment for doing so, as does anyone who stands up for the truth on these issues. Last May, Rowlings declared the far Left on the wrong side of history” after a pro-transgender Antifa assault on a feminist campaigner. Four months prior to that incident, the Daily Mail reported that “Police investigate sign threatening to ‘decapitate TERFs’ at Glasgow rally as JK Rowling mocks ‘temporary blindness’ of politicians posing near it.” Yet there was no follow-up, as there rarely ever is.

Scotland has now implemented new “hate crime” laws. First Minister Humza Yousaf is defending the legislation. Scotland’s hate laws will benefit Yousaf’s agenda regarding “Islamophobia.” He sent tax dollars to Gaza weeks after October 7 and refused to fly the Israeli flag in Scotland in solidarity with Israel after Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel.

“The new measures aim to tackle the harm caused by hatred and prejudice, extending protections from abusive behaviour to people on grounds including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.” These so-called “hate” laws in globalist countries are arbitrated by the woke, but fail to protect Christians, Jews, and anyone who speaks out against woke doctrine from hatred, harassment and bullying. In response to Scotland’s outrageous laws, Rowling dared the police to arrest her. She also tweeted:

Click here to continue reading this article at Jihadwatch.org

We need to thank JK Rowling for having the courage and determination to take such a strong stand.  

You know that the rabidly insane left is hurling insults and threats at JK Rowling.  And these leftists are yearning to see America do the same.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to thank JK Rowling for her bold stand.

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Click here to send your email to thank JK Rowling for her bold stand.

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Author: ffa   20240403   Category: Transgender agenda  FFA: on

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