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Fort Lauderdale Imam lies denigrate Jews and Christians promotes hate among Islamists and leftists.

Photo from The Middle East Media Research Institute

Click here to send your email to express concern to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding Masjid Al-Iman Ft Lauderdale dangerous message that is posted on Facebook.com for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

The Middle East Media Research Institute published an article titled:  Fort Lauderdale, Florida Friday Sermon: Why Are The Jews Such A Breed Of Humans? Their Talmudic Creed Makes It An Honor For Them To Shoot Gazan Babies In Their Incubators; They View Non-Jews As Worthless Animals.  The article reports in part:

In a Friday April 19, 2024 sermon at Masjid Al-Iman of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which was streamed live on the mosque's Facebook page, the imam claimed that the actions of the "breed of humans" who are the Jews can be explained by studying the Talmud. Quoting from an Arabic source purported to be a translation of the Talmud, he said that the Jews believe that non-Jews are animals in human form that were created by God to serve them. He said that according to the Talmudic creed, it is an honor for the Jews to shoot Gazan babies while they are still in their incubators and it is permissible for them to steal land from non-Jews.

He joked that the Jews have a secret underground airline in the tunnels that were discovered under the Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood, and that they fly from there to Palestine to steal Palestinian land. In addition, he asserted that throughout history, it was the Jews who "orchestrated everything against the Muslims" and it was the Christians who implemented these plans. The name of the imam was not provided by Masjid Al-Iman.

It should be noted that in a February 19, 2024 at the same mosque, a presenter claimed that the Talmud was worse than Hitler's Mein Kampf and that it instructs Jews to kill non-Jewish children, and he referred to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion – see MEMRI TV Clip 10924.

Imam: "We will mention what the Jews believe, because you wonder: How come? Why are they such a breed of human beings? It is simply because they are indoctrinated that way. That is their creed.

This imam's lies disparage Jews and Christians with the apparent intent to inspire hate among Islamist and leftist Facebook visitors..

Why does Florida Family Association ask many people to send emails of concern to anti-terrorism units of law enforcement to report Islamists who call for Jihad and hate against Americans?  Because our email warnings leave law enforcement with little to no excuse for failing to stop an act of terror that was directed by or associated with one of the Islamist subjects profiled in a Florida Family Association email alert.  Why does Florida Family Association use state law enforcement contacts and NOT the FBI?  Who can trust the FBI these days?

The Islamists profiled in Florida Family Association email alerts are not only espousing hate and violence to their local congregations but are also posting their hate and violence on social media to inspire like-minded Jihadists across America.  Law enforcement should be able to know and track the people who follow these Islamist provocateurs online.

The probability and size of a potential terror attack on US soil has dramatically increased thanks to Biden’s illegal invasion on the southern border.

Americans must do all they can to emphasize the heightened need to law enforcement that these Jihadist nut cases must be watched 24/7.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding Masjid Al-Iman Ft Lauderdale dangerous message that is posted on Facebook.com for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

Click here to send your email to express concern to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding Masjid Al-Iman Ft Lauderdale dangerous message that is posted on Facebook.com for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

Contact information

The Florida Fusion Center is a 24/7 operations center. Fusion centers, law enforcement agencies, emergency operations centers or other public safety agencies requesting support may contact the FFC using the information below.

Email FloridaFusionCenter@fdle.state.fl.us Florida Fusion Center
Phone (800) 342-0820 or (850) 410-7645
Address Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Florida Fusion Center
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308

Suspicious Activity Reporting

Citizens who wish to report suspicious activity may contact the “If You See Something, Say Something TM” campaign by using the contact information below:

Phone  1 (855) 352-7233      1-855-FLA-SAFE
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Author: ffa   20240430   Category: Islamist hate  FFA: on

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