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Michigan Attorney General plans to sue American oil and gas companies because of alleged climate change in Michigan.

Click here to send your email to urge the Michigan Attorney General to drop her plans to conduct lawfare against American oil and gas companies.

The Detroit News published an article titled Nessel plans to sue oil and gas companies over Michigan's changing climate.  The article reports that Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced her intentions to join a handful of other leftist state attorneys to advance the Green New Deal by suing American gas and oil companies over what she describes as damage they caused to Michigan.

Ironically, the article reports that she is in the process of assessing and documenting the damage that oil and gas allegedly caused her state.   This sounds a lot like the lawfare suits that conjured up bogus charges against Donald Trump.

“Climate change” is the new leftist false narrative that replaced the old false narrative of “global warming.”  When global warming could not be proven year after year they renamed it “climate change.”  “Global warming” also replaced a much older false narrative from the sixties called “ice age” when it too failed to materialize.

Nessel’s planned lawsuit is nothing more than lawfare advocacy for the green industry that has failed to achieve economical and efficient energy for the consumer.  These leftist lawsuits trying to eliminate petroleum and gas from the market place is quid pro quo for the Big Green. 

Nessel’s lawsuit won’t include Russia, Iran, Qatar, Venezuela, and many other countries that produce oil.  Sadly, these other countries would benefit greatly from a loss of American production of gas and oil.  The loss of American oil and gas supply would result in a significant rise in the price of oil and gas.  

Higher gas prices over the past four years have financially stressed millions of families.  Additionally, the higher energy costs played the primary role in boosting the cost of all products.  An increase in gas prices will increase inflation even more for the millions of families that are already struggling.

If Nessel’s lawfare goal of eliminating American produced gas and petro as an energy source is achieved it will:

·         Substantially drive up the cost of energy for every American.

·         Add to the already high rate of inflation for most products.

·         Enrich foreign countries that will be able to sell petro products at higher prices.

·         Jeopardize the jobs of 10.3 million Americans who work for oil and gas companies.

·         Destroy American energy independence.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge the Michigan Attorney General to drop her plans to conduct lawfare against American oil and gas companies.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge the Michigan Attorney General to drop her plans to conduct lawfare against American oil and gas companies.

Contact email:

Attorney General Dana Nessel





dana.nessel@michigan.gov and dana.nessel@michigan.gov  (Our testing tool could not validate or invalidate this email address.)

Author: ffa   20240513   Category: Green New Deal  FFA: on

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