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The NAACP sides with Biden in protecting Hamas.

Click here to send your email to urge the NAACP president to back off its call which urges Biden to halt the sale of weapons to Israel and pushes for a ceasefire.

The JNS Daily published an article titled:  The NAACP sides with Biden in protecting Hamas.  The article reports in part:

“Palestine” is not a black issue, and it never was. “

(June 11, 2024 / Africa-Israel Weekly) On June 6, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) issued an official press statement titled “NAACP Urges Biden-Harris Administration to Stop Shipments of Weapons Targeting Civilians to Israel, Push for Ceasefire.”

Sadly, with this official statement, the NAACP has joined the growing ranks of biased Israel critics who have been deceived by Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, one of the single greatest contributing factors in the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States.  Read more.

Hamas broke yet another ceasefire on October 7th killing 1,160 people and taking 240 hostages who are mostly civilians.

The American Jewish Committee published a recent article titled 6 Reasons Why an Unconditional Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Is Not the Right Path Forward.  The article reports in part: 

1. Hamas has a long history of breaking ceasefire agreements
2. Hamas Remains Committed to the Death and Destruction of Israel
3. Hamas Will Use the Ceasefire to Regroup and Rearm
4. A Ceasefire May Delay the Possibility of Returning the Hostages Home
5. A Ceasefire Would Embolden Hezbollah and Iran
6. Removing Hamas Would Lead to a Better Future for Gaza and the Palestinian People

Florida Family Association watched to see if initial criticism influenced the NAACP to drop its opposition to the US sale of weapons to Israel.  

However, the NAACP continues to banner its cause on its web page titled:  NAACP Urges Biden-Harris Administration to Stop Shipments of Weapons Targeting Civilians to Israel, Push for Ceasefire. 

If Israel is to have a real chance at peace it is imperative that Hamas be completely destroyed.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge the NAACP president to back off its call which urges Biden to halt the sale of weapons to Israel and pushes for a ceasefire.

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, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge the NAACP president to back off its call which urges Biden to halt the sale of weapons to Israel and pushes for a ceasefire.

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