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KFC adoption of Halal in Canada supports barbaric animal abuse and Islamic terrorism. Please urge KFC not to allow its restaurants to become Halal restaurants in the USA.

Click here to send your email to express concern to officials at KFC’s parent company Yum Brands about Halal policies in its United States restaurants.

BareNakedIslam.com published an article titled FINGER LICKIN’ BAD NEWS! Buying KFC chicken in Canada means you are supporting barbaric animal abuse and Islamic terrorism.  The article reports in part:

Now when you go to the world’s second largest fast-food chain, KFC, located in Ontario, Canada, all the chicken you buy there will be “Halal Certified” (Islamic sharia-approved). And don’t dare ask for bacon on your chicken sandwich because all pork products are now banned at KFC in Canada. “Halal certified” means that animals are slaughtered under barbaric, non-stun Islamic methods. What’s more, part of the fees that food establishments must pay in order to receive Halal certification goes to the funding of terror-linked Islamic groups.

Kentucky Fried Chicken changed its policy several years ago to allow restaurants in the UK and Ireland to become Halal Restaurants. 

Florida Family Association responded to the news of the KFC Halal decision in the UK with an online campaign titled “Will Kentucky Fried Chicken sell Sharia mandated Halal food in the USA after report alleges that it sells it in all UK restaurants?” 

KFC has not as best can be determined converted or allowed restaurants in the USA to convert to Halal restaurants.  KFC sued a franchisee in July 2017 to prevent it from claiming that it was a Halal restaurant. 

McDonald’s does not sell any Halal certified meats in the USA, Canada or UK as of 2022. 

After it was reported that Subway was selling only Halal certified food in its United Kingdom restaurants, Florida Family Association launched an alert.  The alert asked people to send emails to ask Subway if it was selling or planning to sell Halal food in its United States restaurants.  Subway informed Florida Family Association that it does do not sell Halal certified food in its US and Canada restaurants and has no plans to do so. 

The barbaric animal abuse in the Halal process is more fully described in the BareNakeIslam.com article.

Consumers should be concerned about the Zakat tax on Halal certified KFC chicken being used for the oppressive Sharia law and Jihad.  While many people are concerned about the barbaric animal cruelty involved in the Halal certification process, the Zakat tax on Halal certified food could be used for human cruelty.  The Zakat is mandated by Sharia law and portions of it are used to support Sharia’s harsh suppression of women.   Additionally, the Zakat has been used to fund Jihad and terror. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to officials at KFC’s parent company Yum Brands about Halal policies in its United States restaurants.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to express concern to officials at KFC’s parent company Yum Brands about Halal policies in its United States restaurants.

Contact information:

Greg Creed, CEO
Yum Brands

Tarun Lal
KFC President U.S.

Chris Turner
Yum Brands CFO

Tracy Skeans
Yum Brands COO

Kimberly Morgan
Chief Communications Officer


The Zakat (Islamic tax) on Halal food supports oppressive Sharia tenets and has been used to fund terrorism.

While the RSPCA is concerned about animal cruelty, Florida Family Association is more concerned about the Zakat tax on Halal certified food being used for human cruelty.  The Zakat is mandated by Sharia law and portions of it are used to support Sharia’s harsh suppression of women.   Additionally, the Zakat has been used to fund Jihad, terror.

Wikipedia reports:  “As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, zakat is a religious obligation for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth.   It is a mandatory charitable contribution, often considered to be a tax.”  The Five Pillars of Islam are the core of Sharia law.  Islam is Sharia and Sharia is Islam according to many Islamic scholars.  The Zakat tax collected on Halal food can be used for any Islamic purpose including Sharia law.

The Center for Security Policy reportsHow Zakat Funds Jihad.   The report states in part:  

Zakat is a concern because, as the bipartisan 9-11 Commission Report detailed, it has in fact been used to fund Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups:

From page 170 of the 9/11 Commission Report:  Al Qaeda and its friends took advantage of Islam’s strong calls for charitable giving, zakat. These financial facilitators also appeared to rely heavily on certain imams at mosques who were willing to divert zakat donations to al Qaeda’s cause.

The most authoritative source for such information is a book which is available on Amazon called “The Reliance of the Traveler, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law.” That book has a whole section devoted to the rules of zakat, including “THE EIGHT CATEGORIES OF RECIPIENTS.”  On page 272, section h8.17, one category is labeled:  THOSE FIGHTING FOR ALLAH.  The seventh category is those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration). They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent; of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses (O: for the duration of the journey, round trip, and the time they spend there, even if prolonged. Though nothing has been mentioned here of the expense involved in supporting such people’s families during this period, it seems clear that they should also be given it).

This passage, from this widely-used Shariah text seems to have been written expressly about zakat payments to charities which have funded Al Qaeda, HAMAS, Hezbollah and the Taliban. Note from the passage that such payments are meant specifically for irregular forces who are not part of any army roster, which describes terrorist/guerilla/insurgent groups exactly.

Consumers should be concerned about the Zakat tax on Halal certified KFC chicken being used for the oppressive Sharia law and Jihad.

Author: ffa   20240716   Category: Halal  FFA: on

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