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Mars-Wrigley advertise candy for kids during show that promotes the homosexual and transgender lifestyles and other inappropriate behavior.

It is hard to imagine that a company knowingly advertises candy for children during a show that affirms and promotes the homosexual and transgender lifestyles and other inappropriate behavior.

Mars-Wrigley advertises candy for kids during show that promotes gay and transgender lifestyle. 

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Florida Family Association supporters' emails have recently influenced Macy's and Target to stop advertising during Degrassi.

It is hard to imagine that a company knowingly advertises candy for children during a show that affirms and promotes the homosexual and transgender lifestyles and other inappropriate behavior.  

Mars and their subsidiary William M. Wrigley advertised the following candies on Degrassi  numerous times during past the two months: Orbit gum, React5 gum, Skittles, Snickers, Starburst and Twix.

Hershey's does NOT advertise their candy products during Degrassi.

MTV is airing through their Teen Nick channel for kids episodes of the show called Degrassi which affirms and promotes the homosexual and transgender lifestyle and other inappropriate behavior to an audience of millions of young teens and children.

  DEGRASSI HAS MANY EPISODES that include the relationship between a female to male transgender high school student named Adam (short hair) and a bi-sexual lesbian student named Fiona (long hair). The odds of this bizarre relationship occurring in high school are likely less than one in a million.  Yet, MTV feeds this salacious and irresponsible propaganda to an audience made up almost exclusively of young teens and children as if it were common place.

The When Love Takes Over Parts I and II episodes of Degrassi is described on TVGuide.com as "Adam (a female to male transgender character) is excited that he and Fiona (a bi-sexual, lesbian character ) are growing close."  This episode contains several scenes where Adam and Fiona kiss in a manner that is portrayed as normal and good.

The Chasing Pavements II episode of Degrassi contains graphic intimate relations between the female to male transgender character Adam and bi-sexual, lesbian character Fiona.  In one scene Fiona kisses Adam, pulls up Adam’s shirt and rubs her hand slightly above Adam’s groin.  Click here to see clips from this episode and numerous clips from other episodes showing Adam and Fiona kissing. 

The My Body is a Cage I and II episodes of Degrassi contain Adam’s official announcement that she is a male trapped in a female body.   Click here for My Body is a Cage Part 2.


Teen Nick has also included in Degrassi a promo for TheTrevorHelpline.org.  The promo states in part "The Trevor helpline is a free and confidential service that's open for gay and questioning youth.  Be proud of who you are.  Saving lives."  Click here to see the promoted web site.

Photo:  The Trevor Help Line promotion aired during the Beat It episode when teen Riley (pictured right) declined reparative therapy for his homosexuality.  Click here for info on Riley's (highly unlikely) casting as open gay football captain and starting quarterback.

Degrassi's targeting of children and teens with homosexual and transgender content and promotions which encourage kids to call homosexual hotlines is irresponsible. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Mar's and Wrigley's officials regarding their advertisements on the Degrassi show.

The prepared email for this article has been deactivated.

Author: ffa   20111208   Category: TV  FFA: on
Tags: Degrassi, Teen Nick, Mars, Wrigley, Snickers, Twix, Orbit, Skittles, React5, Starburst

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