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US Senate rejects Biden nomination of judge who put transgender rapist in women’s prison.

Florida Family Association sent our several email alerts that gave people the opportunity to send emails to 98 of the 100 US Senators to oppose Biden’s nomination of Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on April 30, 2024 to be a United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York to replace retiring Judge Lorna G. Schofield. 

Judge Netburn is a far left political activist who twisted the Constitution to justify moving a male rapist into a female prison thereby putting vulnerable women in danger.

Each of the 98 US Senators received approximately 8,000 emails opposing Netburn’s nomination from Florida Family Association's online campaign.

Great News!  The US Senate Judiciary Committee rejected her nomination on July 11, 2024.  Congress.gov reports: Committee on the Judiciary. Failed to report favorably.

No further action was scheduled as of the date this article was written,

THANK YOU for supporting this email campaign.

Author: ffa   20240720   Category: Transgender agenda  FFA: on

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