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Chicago Imam tells children that their number one goal should be to die as a Muslim and go to paradise.

Click here to send your email to express concern to the Illinois State Police (ISP) regarding Darul Quran Mosque's dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

The Middle East Media Research Institute published an article titled:  Chicago Mosque Class For Children: Your Number One Goal In Life Is To Die As A Muslim And Go To Paradise.  The article reports:

Colorado Imam Karim Abuzaid taught a children's class at Chicago's Darul Quran Mosque on June 30, 2024, in which he instilled into the children that their number one goal in life is to die as a Muslim and go to Paradise. He also instructed the boys in the class not to look at the girls while they were delivering their answers. Video of the class was streamed live on Karim Abuzaid's YouTube channel.

Karim Abuzaid: "What would be your number one goal in this life? What do you want to achieve out of this life?

"One goal – what do you want from this life? Okay, we said no collective answers, raise your hand and I'll pick you. I am going to pick the sisters sometimes, but I expect you not to look at the sisters, and if a sister speaks, you are not going to look at her, right? Because you are supposed to lower your gaze, right?

"What is your number one goal in this life?"

Children: "To go to Paradise!"

Abuzaid: "What does it take to get to Paradise? Here is the answer – to die as a..."

Children: "Muslim!"

Abuzaid: "...Muslim.

"Now, I am going to ask the question, and I want you to answer collectively. What does it take to get to Paradise?"

Children: "To die as a Muslim."

Abuzaid: "By Allah, Sheik Faysal, is that people who want to die as Muslims? Come on, say it like you mean it, man. I want to die as a Muslim, man."

Children: "To die as a Muslim!"

Abuzaid: "No, no, no, the second one, I want to die as a Muslim."

Children: "I want to die as a Muslim!"

Abuzaid: "I want to die as a Muslim. I want to die as a Muslim. Why do I want to die as a Muslim? Why? Why? Why? Because I want to go to Paradise. I want to go there and live forever. I want to eat and drink without having to go to the bathroom."

The Islamists profiled in Florida Family Association email alerts are not only espousing hate and violence to their local congregations but are also posting their hate and violence on social media to inspire like-minded Jihadists across America.  Law enforcement should be able to know and track the people who follow these Islamist provocateurs online.

Why does Florida Family Association ask many people to send emails of concern to anti-terrorism units of law enforcement to report Islamists who call for Jihad and hate against Americans?  Because our email warnings leave law enforcement with little to no excuse for failing to stop an act of terror that was directed by or associated with one of the Islamist subjects profiled in a Florida Family Association email alert.  Why does Florida Family Association use state and local law enforcement contacts and NOT the FBI?  Who can trust the FBI these days?

The probability and size of a potential terror attack on US soil has dramatically increased thanks to Biden’s illegal invasion on the southern border.

Americans must do all they can to emphasize the heightened need to law enforcement that these Jihadist nut cases must be watched 24/7.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern express concern to the Illinois State Police (ISP) regarding Darul Quran Mosque's dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to express concern to the Illinois State Police (ISP) regarding Darul Quran Mosque's dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

Contact information:

Captain Rebecca Hooks
Illinois State Police

The Illinois State Police (ISP) Helpd Desk can be contacted at
or by calling 866 532 3700 for questions of assistance with Statewide Terrorism Intelligence Center (STIC).

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