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How you can help voter turnout for the candidates that you want to win.

The outcome of the November 5, 2024 general election will have a major impact on future public policy.   We only have one chance to impact the November 5, 2024 election.  

One of the best uses of our time is to make sure that likeminded  family,  likeminded friends,  likeminded  co-workers  and  likeminded  neighbors  are registered to vote and have a plan to vote absentee, vote early (if available) or vote on election day.  

The following outline offers some ideas on how you can make a difference in the 2024 Elections:

•    Make  sure  you,  your  likeminded  family,  likeminded  friends,   likeminded co-workers and likeminded neighbors   are  registered  to  vote  in  time  for   the November 5, 2022 elections before the registration deadline.  The deadline in Florida is October 7, 2024.  The registration requirements of other states may be found at this website https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

•    Vote early by absentee or mail in ballot or early voting and urge your likeminded family and friends to vote early.  Voting early avoids missing the voter booth on election day for some unexpected situation.  It also helps party officials to focus on a smaller number of people who have not voted yet.  I have voted absentee for the last 30 years.  My wife and I receive an email confirming receipt of our ballots.

•    Volunteer at your local county party office to help track ballots and contact people who have not voted early.  Helping to track and urge early voting can have HUGE benefits for the party that you volunteer with and the candidates that you want to win.

•    Identify  likeminded  young people and working families with busy schedules who need to  be reminded of the importance to vote.

•    Identify likeminded older or disabled people who may need a ride to the polls or reminder to vote.

•    A little more difficult, is identify likeminded people who are undecided and politely educate them on the differences between the candidates.

As a non-profit 501C3 organization Florida Family Association cannot endorse candidates.

Author: ffa   20241105   Category: Elections  FFA: on

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