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Detroit imam: Zionists (Christians and Jews) are the cockroaches of history and we are the liberators.

Americans need to only look at how the United Kingdom is arresting citizens for posting online concerns about Muslim violence to realize we must speak out now about the Islamist threat in the USA before it is too late.

Click here to send your email to Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) to express concern regarding Detroit Imam Imran Salha’s dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

Americans need to only look at how the United Kingdom is arresting citizens for posting online concerns about Muslim violence to realize we must speak out now about the Islamist threat in the USA before it is too late.  Here are just two examples of the United Kingdom giving Sharia law protection to Muslims by arresting non-Muslims who criticize Muslim violence.

"UK: As Muslim mobs rampage unhindered, cops arrest non-Muslim man for Facebook postings" reported by Jihadwatch.org.

"UK: Cops arrest Jewish man for sign likening masked pro-Hamas protesters to KKK." reported by Jihadwatch.org

The Middle East Media Research Institute published an article titled “Detroit Imam Imran Salha: Islam Is America's Last Hope; Muslims In The U.S. Have Two Jobs – Teaching About Allah And Frustrating The Zionists; They Are The Cockroaches Of History, And We Are The Liberators."  The article reports in part:

Detroit imam Imran Salha said at a Friday, August 2, 2024 sermon at the Islamic Center of Detroit that Islam is superior, that it is the last hope for America, that the way America treats Muslims around the world will dictate its longevity, that the Muslims will never truly find favor with the Christians and the Jews, that the job of Muslims in America is to teach about Allah and “frustrate” the Zionists, and that the Zionists are the “cockroaches of history,” while the Muslims are “the liberators.” He said: “Frustrate the Zionists with every single mode that is within your reach as a citizen of this country… Every single time you go on Fox News and you yell at that Zionist, Allah is rewarding you.” The sermon was livestreamed on the Islamic Center of Detroit’s YouTube channel.

Imran Salha: “Allah says: ‘Certainly the disbelievers are distraught by the fact that your religion is superior.’ Allahu Akbar!

“Islam is the last hope for America. Oh dear America… Dear America, if you are looking for preservation, the way you treat Muslims around the world will dictate the longevity of your empire.

“You cannot sustain morals without Islam, and Islam is the one true religion that will preserve morals.

“Listen to what I am saying carefully. You will never receive protection, sanctuary, or acceptance from any other nation or power. And this may make you a little bit scared, but this is the reality. We have to put effort for self-preservation. We have to be strong. We have to make sure that we have strategy.

“The Christians and the Jews will never be fully accepting of you.

“They may praise you. They may ‘love’ you between quotations. They may share causes with you. But these are your people.

“You have two roles here in America: To Teach About Allah, and to frustrate the Zionists. Frustrate the Zionists with every single mode that is within your reach, as a citizen of this country.

“Yes, this is your role. By Allah, with every single sermon and every single supplication, I frustrate the Zionists. I frustrate the enemy.

“Every single time you go on Fox News, and you yell at that Zionist, Allah is rewarding you. Every single time you go to a protest and you make the Zionists uncomfortable, you are rewarded by Allah.

“They are the cockroaches of history, and we are the liberators.”

Why does Florida Family Association ask thousands of people to send emails of concern to anti-terrorism units of law enforcement to report Islamists who call for Jihad and hate against Americans?  These email warnings leave law enforcement with little to no excuse for failing to stop an act of terror that was directed by or associated with one of the Islamist subjects profiled in a Florida Family Association email alert.  

The Islamists profiled in Florida Family Association email alerts are not only espousing hate and violence to their local congregations but are also posting their hate and violence on social media to inspire like-minded Jihadists across America.  Law enforcement should be able to know and track the people who follow these Islamist provocateurs online.

The probability and size of a potential terror attack on US soil has dramatically increased thanks to Biden’s illegal invasion on the southern border.

Americans must do all they can to emphasize the heightened need to law enforcement that these Jihadist nut cases must be watched 24/7.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) to express concern regarding Detroit imam Imran Salha’s dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) to express concern regarding Detroit imam Imran Salha’s dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and unhinged leftists to be inspired by.

Contact info:

Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC)

Author: ffa   20240903   Category: Islamist hate  FFA: on

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