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Huffpost.com officially becomes extreme left political organization to hit Trump administration with disinformation. Dick’s Sporting Goods is a frequent advertiser at HuffPost.com.

See email prepared below to send to Dick's Sporting Goods officials.

HuffPost is taking its news service to a new extreme left level of partisan politics and disinformation.  The below copy of HuffPost’s web page taken on November 10, 2024 shows that this news service has made it official that it intends to push disinformation on its dumbed down readers and not report the news fairly.

HuffPost.com states:

HuffPost Needs Your Support Now More Than Ever

Now that Donald Trump has regained the most powerful seat in the world, one should believe he will act on all of his fresh grievances, threats to enact a dictatorship on Day One, and for calls of retribution against his enemies. America is facing the greatest challenge to our democratic experiment since the Civil War.

This is not a drill. But now is not the time to cower or capitulate. I can promise you that HuffPost is doing neither. You can do your part and join us in this fight. Click below to support HuffPost's fearless journalism.

— HuffPost Editor-in-Chief Danielle Belton

Companies that advertise at Huffpost.com knowing about this new openly partisan and deliberate disinformation posture are complicit with leftist extremism.

The Good News in all of this is that this is also a sign that HuffPost.com is running out of money after Florida Family Association influenced 2,757 companies to stop advertising as of October 31, 2024.

It’s time to take on some companies that have continued to frequently advertise at Huffpost.com while Florida Family Association was focused on the elections and other issues during the past three months.

Dick’s Sporting Goods has frequently advertised at HuffPost since November 2023.  Florida Family Association sent numerous emails to express concern to Dick’s Sporting Goods regarding its advertising support for HuffPost.  However, the company continues to advertise.  Dick’s Sporting Goods certainly has the right to advertise on whatever shows it chooses.  Likewise, you have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support the woke agenda and vitriolic, leftist propaganda at Huffpost.com.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Dick’s Sporting Goods officials to stop supporting Huffpost.com's vitriolic, woke and Islamist propaganda.

Click here to send your email to Dick’s Sporting Goods(For Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, live.com and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  

Click here to send your email to Dick’s Sporting Goods. (For Yahoo.com, Comcast.net, Frontier.com, AOL and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Dick’s Sporting Goods (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

Unlike most of Florida Family Association's action emails this email is designed to open in your email client because Dick's Sporting Goods is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email by copying the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below in your own email client.  Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Very disappointed that Dick’s Sporting Goods supports Huffpost new fundraising based political extremism and disinformation.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed  that your company advertises at Huffpost which is raising money to openly promote disinformation and engage in leftist extremism. Companies that advertise at Huffpost.com knowing about this new openly partisan and deliberate disinformation posture are complicit with leftist extremism.  

Huffpost has published many embellished or falsely based articles to inflame negative attitudes toward targeted Americans which certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost is a virulent supporter of the Islamist political agenda and Hamas.

You have a right to advertise where you want and I have the same right to not patronize companies that openly support leftist political extremism and disinformation.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


Contact information:

Ed Stack, Executive Chairman

Lauren R. Hobart, CEO

Navdeep Gupta, CFO

Emily Silver, Chief Marketing Officer


Author: ffa   20241111   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on

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