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Kansas City Imam prays "Annihilate the criminal Zionists, O Allah, count them, kill them one by one."

See email prepared below to send to urge the Missouri Office of Homeland Security to put Imam Muhammad Tarife and the Kansas City Islamic Center on the highest level of terror watch.

The Middle East Media Research Institute published an article that reported titled:  In his November 22, 2024 Friday sermon at the Kansas City Islamic Center, Muhammad Tarife said that the Islamic nation is the "best nation" and that it was brought to the world in order to encourage others to do good. He supplicated:   "Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not. Oh, Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, for they are no match for You. Oh, Allah, allow us torment them with our own hands, humiliate them, grant us victory over them, and heal the hearts of the believers."

This imam’s dangerous message is posted on YouTube for all Islamists to be inspired by.

The Islamists profiled in Florida Family Association email alerts are not only espousing hate and violence to their local congregations but are also posting their hate and violence on social media to inspire like-minded Jihadists across America.  Law enforcement should be able to know and track the people who follow these Islamist provocateurs online.

Why does Florida Family Association ask many people to send emails of concern to anti-terrorism units of law enforcement to report Islamists who call for Jihad and hate against Americans?  Because our email warnings leave law enforcement with little to no excuse for failing to stop an act of terror that was directed by or associated with one of the Islamist subjects profiled in a Florida Family Association email alert.  Why does Florida Family Association use state and local law enforcement contacts and NOT the FBI?  Who can trust the FBI these days?

The probability and size of a potential terror attack on US soil has dramatically increased thanks to Biden’s illegal invasion on the southern border.

Americans must do all they can to emphasize the heightened need to law enforcement that these Jihadist nut cases must be watched 24/7.

Unlike most of Florida Family Association action emails this email will open in your own email client.  This form of email is being used because this government agency blocks emails sent through the florida-family.org action email server.  If the emails doe not open properly in your email client please consider using the information below to copy, paste and send this action email in your own email software.

Click here to send your email to urge the Missouri Office of Homeland Security to put Imam Muhammad Tarife and the Kansas City Islamic Center on the highest level of terror watch.

Email address:


Subject line:

Please put Imam Muhammad Tarife and the Kansas City Islamic Center on the highest level of terror watch.

Email Content:

Kansas City Islamic Center, Muhammad Tarife supplicated in his November 22, 2024 sermon:  Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not. Oh, Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, for they are no match for You. Oh, Allah, allow us torment them with our own hands, humiliate them, grant us victory over them, and heal the hearts of the believers.  Please put Imam Muhammad Tarife and the Kansas City Islamic Center on the highest level of terror watch.

Contact info:

Department of Public Safety
Office of Homeland Security

1101 Riverside Drive
Lewis and Clark Building, 4th Floor West 
P.O. Box 749
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-522-1113
Fax: 573-751-5399
E-mail: homeland.security@dps.mo.gov

Author: ffa   20241216   Category: Islamist hate  FFA: on

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