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You can now report schools that support DEI to your family friendly, America First Trump administration.

If you see evidence that your school board is allowing, promoting or trying to hide DEI you now have an advocate in the White House.  The United States Department of Education has established a new website for reporting DEI in a taxpayer funded school system.

The Department of Education web site:  https://enddei.ed.gov/

Please share this information with likeminded family and friends.

Parents with children in public schools, teachers and school staff need to be aware of this family friendly, America First website.  Anyone can report a school for teaching DEI.

The school, school district or state education department could lose federal funding for violating President Trump’s executive order regarding DEI.

The kinds of information being sought include the following:

•     Classroom content, includes books, worksheets, presentations, and other information being presented to students.
•    Training materials, emails, presentations, and other information being presented to teachers.
•    Posters, handouts, events, groups being organized (especially affinity groups), and other expressions of DEI being carried out within the school system.
•    Hiring based on DEI practices, creation / existence of roles that are explicitly related to DEI, other structural concerns related to maintaining the practice (even if it's called something else.) This can include busing, especially in situations where it leads to negative outcomes.
•    Examples of administrative actions carried out in a manner that discriminates against someone based on sex / race / religion. This could be a student, a parent or a teacher. Basically, any form of retaliation based on not going along with the agenda.
•    Basically, any time the school system spends time / money on anything 'woke'.
•    The more complaints generated about a school system, the greater the likelihood of a crackdown. 

It is time to challenge DEI while we have four years of an advocate in the White House.

Author: ffa   20250330   Category: DEI  FFA: on

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