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Florida Family Association will fly two planes to warn unsuspecting families about Gay Day at Disney.

We want to warn families before they expose their children to Gay Day’s same-sex revelry, before they pay money to Disney for parking, admission, novelties and food.

Florida Family Association will fly two planes to warn unsuspecting families about Gay Day at Disney.

Florida Family Association will fly two planes to warn unsuspecting families about Gay Day at Disney which is scheduled for Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the Magic Kingdom in Orlando.  A special thanks to Florida Family Association supporters who generously donated $12,802.37 designated just for this project.

Florida Family Association has received many, many letters and emails from people across the country who patronized Disney World in Orlando to find themselves in the middle of one of the annual Gay Days at Disney.  The most recent letter we received was from Willis in Sarasota who wrote “Just a note to let you know that about 18 years ago my wife and I and our 2 year old granddaughter were at Disney World when it was ‘Gay Day.’  It was the most deplorable sight that we ever saw.  I thank you so much for the vision of the airplane banner warning people.”

We want to warn families before they expose their children to Gay Day’s same-sex revelry, before they pay money to Disney for parking, admission, novelties and food.  We also want to send a message that Gay Day’s public promotion of homosexuality to a captured audience inside the park is wrong.

Last year Florida Family Association hired an aircraft company to pull a banner for ten hours the day before Gay Day and ten hours the day of to warn these families about this offensive event before they arrived on Saturday.   Thanks to the generous gifts of numerous supporters our banner influenced mainstream family attendance at Disney during Gay Day to drop close to 50%.  This warning to families spared tens of thousands of children from the unexpected exposure to this coming out party.  

The Orlando Sentinel published a news report on this project titled Battling banners will fly over Disney for Gay Days.  The article stated in part “David Caton, the group's executive director, said the goal is to warn tourists that ‘this is not the day to take your children to Disney if you're expecting a normal day.’"  We are thankful for the Orlando Sentinel giving Florida Family Association’s position on this project fair treatment unlike the Fox News station in Orlando.  The article also reports that a newly formed LGBT group ... see article by clicking link above.

Florida Family Association will fly two planes for ten hours on Friday, June 1st from 9 am to 8 pm the day before Gay Day at Disney.  Friday is the most critical day because of the large number of people arriving in Orlando and planning their weekend.  Additionally, two planes will help attract media attention the day before the event.  We will also fly one plane for ten hours on Saturday, June 2, 2012 from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm during Gay Day.  

Only designated gifts over and above Florida Family Association’s operating budget were used to fund this project.  A special thanks to everyone who gave generously to this project.

If you would like to send our prepared email urging Disney officials not to allow Gay Day to occur during normal operating hours when unsuspecting families are a captured audience in the park click here.

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Homosexualagenda  FFA: on
Tags: Gay Day, Disney

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