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Foster Grant stops advertising on Al-Jazeera America.
Foster Grant stops advertising on Al-Jazeera America.

Florida Family Association sent out an email alert late the evening of June 18, 2013 which reported that Foster Grant was a new advertiser on Al Jazeera America aka CurrentTV.  The alert encouraged readers to send emails to six officials at the parent company FGX International.  FGX International did not respond to the thousands of emails they received from the first alert so Florida Family Association sent out a second alert midday on June 20, 2013. 

FGX International responded with the following email and email exchange:

----- Original Message -----
From: Gina Lazaro
To: davidcaton@floridafamily.org
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: FGXI advertising

Dear Mr. Caton:

FGXI advertising ran on the Al Jazeera America network in error.  FGXI had placed an advertising schedule with Current TV in 2012 when Current TV was owned by Current Media, LLC - an American owned company. Upon the sale, Current TV was relaunched as Al Jazeera America. We have never

purchased advertising on Al Jazeera America.   We have no plans to advertise on Al Jazeera America going forward.


Gina Lazaro
EVP, Marketing

----- Original Message -----
From: davidcaton
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Gina Lazaro
Subject: Re: FGXI advertising

Dear Ms. Lazaro,

Thank you for your correspondence.

When will the ads stop airing?


----- Original Message -----
From: Gina Lazaro
To: davidcaton
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:48 PM
Subject: RE: FGXI advertising

The last spots aired yesterday.



FGX International sent the following email to some concerned citizens who sent emails to their company:

----- Original Message -----
To: John S.
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:15 PM
Subject: RE:06.20.13 I will avoid FGX International products as long as your company advertises on Al Jazeera America.

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your email.

FGXI advertising ran on the Al Jazeera America network in error.   We understand your concerns and have no plans to advertise on this network going forward. We value our customer feedback and appreciate your continued support of the brand.

Best Regards,
FGX International Customer Service
FGX International, Inc.

500 George Washington Hwy./Smithfield, RI  02917
Tel:  800-426-6396/ Email:

Foster Grant advertisements stopped airing on Al Jazeera America on June 20, 2013.

Al Jazeera, the Arabic news cable channel headquartered in the Middle East (Doha, Qatar), purchased the CurrentTV channel which has the potential of reaching millions of viewers in the United States.  Al Jazeera is a mouthpiece for radical Islamists.  Al Jazeera America is the new, tentative name for CurrentTV.

Your support of these email campaigns is making a difference.  Thank you.


Author: ffa   20130621   Category: Islamists  FFA: on
Tags: Al Jazeera America, Current TV

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