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CAIR holds rally at Missouri capitol in support of Syrian refugees welcomed by Governor Jay Nixon.



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The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued the following news release which states in part:  CAIR: Missouri Muslims to Rally at Capitol in Support of Syrian Refugees, Against Islamophobia.

(ST. LOUIS, MO, 2/12/2016) – On Tuesday, February 16, the Bring Them Here Coalition and the St. Louis chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-ST. Louis) will rally on the front steps of the Jefferson City Capitol Building to call on the state legislature to address growing Islamophobia and to welcome Syrian Refugees to Missouri. Tuesday’s rally is part of during the third annual Muslim Capitol Day.

SEE: 2016 Refugee Welcome & Muslim Lobby Day 

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (Democrat) is welcoming Syrian refugees.  Approximately seventy five percent of the Missouri Senate and seventy percent of the Missouri House of Representatives are Republican.  Governor Nixon is using his executive authority to welcome the Syrian Refugees.  

The St. Louis Today reports the following in part in the article titled :  Governor Nixon defends decision not to oppose Syrian refugee settlement.

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon today pushed back against pressure to close the state to Syrian refugees, invoking America's history as “a beacon of hope” to people from war-torn parts of the world.

"Everybody's on edge, in the whole world,” following the spate of terrorist attacks in Paris Friday, Nixon said during a St. Louis event today. “... But being on edge doesn't mean we should change our basic values — doesn't mean we should change what makes American great.”

Nixon, a Democrat, has declined to follow the path of at least 30 other governors — mostly Republicans — who say they will attempt to prevent the Obama Administration from allowing refugees of the Syrian civil war from settling within their state borders in the wake of the Paris bombing and shooting attacks.

St. Louis this year has taken in about two dozen Syrian refugees. Mayor Francis Slay and other prominent Democrats have called for continued openness to more.

Among those calling this week for the suspension of Syrian settlement are Missouri's Republican members of Congress, several 2016 Republican gubernatorial candidates, and the lone Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster.

Nixon today defended the federal vetting process for the refugees, which so far has allowed just 2,000 into the U.S. out of more than 23,000 who have applied.

"We need to be open and understanding about how challenging this (Syrian) civil war situation is,” said Nixon. “We need to continue to help refugees as Americans, in a safe way."

Here are some reasons why Americans are concerned about accepting refugees from Syria:

* Poll: 13% Of Syrian Refugees Support ISIS, 23% — or almost 1 in 4 — could be susceptible to ISIS recruitment. Immigration: A first-of-its-kind survey of the hordes of Syrian refugees entering Europe found 13% support the Islamic State. The poll should raise alarms about the risks posed by the resettlement of 10,000 refugees in the U.S.  The poll of 900 Syrian refugees by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies also found that another 10% of the displaced Syrians have a lukewarm, but not entirely negative, view of the terror group. That means 23% — or almost 1 in 4 — could be susceptible to ISIS recruitment.  It also means as many 2,500 of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration is resettling inside American cities are potential terrorist threats. Investor’s Business Daily reported on November 4, 2015. 

* The Homeland Security Committee for the United States House of Representatives issued a report on February 12, 2015 titled:  FBI Warns of Intelligence Gap on Foreign Fighters in Syria, Iraq.  This report states in part:  “We don't have it under control,” said Mr. Michael Steinback, Assistant Director for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  “Absolutely, we're doing the best we can. If I were to say that we had it under control, then I would say I know of every single individual traveling. I don't. And I don't know every person there and I don't know everyone coming back. So it's not even close to being under control.”  Homeland Security Committee, February 12, 2015.

* ISIS terrorists have tried to exploit the Syrian refugee program to get into the United States, the House Homeland Security Committee chairman claimed Monday.  The New York Post reported, December 8, 2015.    

*  CIA Director John Brennan said during the February 14, 2016 episode of CBS 60 Minutes that “ISIS has access to chemical weapons.”  CBS.com, February 14, 2016

Once inside the United States an overlooked threat can pose danger to citizens in any state.

It is very troubling that Governor Jay Nixon is not making it a priority to keep the people of Missouri and America safe.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Governor Nixon, Missouri Senate leadership and Missouri House of Representatives leadership regarding the governor’s welcome to Syrian refugees and Hamas linked CAIR’s supporting rally.

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Contact information

Office of Governor Jay Nixon (D)
Capitol Building Room 216, P.O. Box 720
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-3222
Fax: (573) 526 -3291

Chris Pieper, Chief of Staff
Office of the Governor

Channing Ansley
Communications Director
Office of the Governor

Scott Holste, Press Secretary
Office of the Missouri Governor
Phone Number: (573) 751-0290

Speaker of the House
Representative Todd Richardson
District 152, Republican

Speaker Pro Tem
Representative Denny Hoskins
District 054, Republican

Majority Floor Leader
Representative Mike Cierpiot
District 030, RepublicanPresident Pro Tem

Senator Ron Richard
District 32, Republican

Majority Floor Leader
Senator Mike Kehoe
District 6, Republican

Assistant Majority Floor Leader
Senator Bob Onder
District 2, Republican

Author: ffa   20160215   Category: CAIR  FFA: on
Tags: Missouri, Syria, Refugees

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