The email for this article was deactivated after USAA started advertising again on the Sean Hannity Show.
Media Matters is targeting companies that advertise on Sean Hannity because of his conservative values.
Media Matters provides a list at the bottom of this article of companies that advertise and companies that stopped advertising.
USAA is one of seven companies and the largest company that has stopped advertising on Sean Hannity. USAA tweeted the following:

“As a forty-one year member of USAA and proud member of a military family I am shocked that USAA would bow to the pressures of the extreme left.” Proclaims David Caton, President of Florida Family Association.
USAA provides insurance and financial services to millions of active and retired military personnel as well as their families.
There is no doubt that the super majority of the millions of military families USAA serves believes in the public policies and social morals espoused by Sean Hannity.
USAA tweeted “Advertising on opinion shows is not in accordance with our policy and we’ve since corrected that.” USAA must have just adopted that policy because USAA ads have appeared on Sean Hannity and numerous other opinion shows for years.
The fact is USAA caved to leftists who do not represent the values of the super majority of their members. USAA’s decision goes against the core values of their membership base.
If USAA truly has a policy not to advertise on “opinion shows” them USAA must stop ALL advertising on CNN and MSNBC because their entire programming including news is opinion based and loaded with fake news.
Unlike many cable news programs, Sean Hannity routinely gives honor to military leaders, fallen heroes and military families in need.
Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to urge USAA officials to continue advertising with Sean Hannity.
The email for this article was deactivated after USAA started advertising again on the Sean Hannity Show.
Contact information is not being provided on this campaign in order to reduce the chances of opponents using the information.