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Judge Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. Over 5,000 people sent emails through Florida Family Association to encourage him to stand his ground.

For the first time in our generation the United States Supreme Court will have a 5 to 4 conservative majority.

While many organizations focused on the important task of asking their constituency to call their senators and urge them to vote for Judge Kavanaugh, Florida Family Association focused on asking people to send emails to encourage him to stay the course.  Florida Family Association is very grateful to have played a small role in this process and thankful to everyone who sent emails to encourage Judge Kavanaugh. 

Part of the left’s plan was to cause Judge Kavanaugh so much suffering and pain to his family that he would withdraw.   His withdrawal at this stage of the nomination and confirmation process could have been fatal to balancing the United States Supreme Court with a majority of conservative justices.   The possibility of losing the majority in the United States Senate on November 6, 2018 would put such a historic nomination in peril.

The left was clearly out to torment Judge Kavanaugh with the goal of influencing him to withdraw.  “I watched Martha MacCallum’s interview of Brett and Ashely Kavanaugh on Fox News Monday, September 24, 2018.”  Notes David Caton, Florida Family Association president.  “My heart grieved for the couple for the pain they displayed after Judge Kavanaugh’s character was ruthlessly and recklessly attacked for partisan reasons by leftists.”

Florida Family Association sent out an email alert just hours after the Fox News interview.  The email alert urged people to send the following email to both of his official judicial email addresses to show support to Judge Brett Kavanaugh.   

Subject:  Please know that I am standing with you.

Honorable Judge Kavanaugh,

I  want  you to know that I am standing with you for confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.

I do not believe the leftist and liberal media lies.

You are the best candidate to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the highest court in America.

You  are extraordinarily important to the future of America.

I encourage you to stand your ground, keep your head up high and know that there are tens of millions of Americans who want you to be confirmed.

More than 5,000 people sent emails to encourage Judge Kavanaugh to stand his ground.  Thankfully, unlike other campaigns the court did not block or defer the emails that thousands of people sent through Florida-family.org.

A special thanks to everyone who sent an email to Judge Kavanaugh.  Your emails made a difference.

Author: ffa   20181006   Category: Judiciary  FFA: on

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