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Levi Strauss uses oppressive hijab and niqab to promote “freedom” in vote ad.

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Levi Strauss & Company is airing a “get out to vote out” ad which prominently shows hijab and niqab clad Muslim women.  Click here to see the ad at  DailyCommericals.com  Interestingly, Youtube.com stopped allowing Florida Family Association to view the ad for free after being viewed one time.

Sadly, the back ground music on the ad is the Aretha Franklin song titled THINK where she repeatedly sings “freedom, freedom, freedom…”   The hijab and niqab certainly do not symbolize the freedoms and liberties bestowed upon all women who are under the protection of the United States Constitution.  The hijab and niqab exemplify the oppression against women that is advanced by Islamists and Sharia law. 

Nearly sixty percent of Muslim women in America reject the hijab and far more reject the niqab. The Quran does not mandate or even mention the hijab.  The hijab is forced upon women by Islamists through Sharia law and fatwas.  Read more about hijab history at Floridafamily.org

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Levi Strauss officials.

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Click here to send your email to Levis Strauss officials (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser unlike regular email campaigns.  This email is prepared this way because Levi Strauss is blocking the normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.   If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Very disappointed that Levi Strauss used oppressive hijab and niqab to promote freedom in vote ad.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed that Levis Strauss prominently included photos of hijab and niqab clad women in its get out to vote ad.  Sadly, the ad used the Aretha Franklin song THINK in which she repeatedly sings freedom, freedom, freedom.
The hijab and niqab certainly do not symbolize the freedoms and liberties bestowed upon all women who are under the protection of the United States Constitution.  The hijab and niqab exemplify the oppression against women that is advanced by Islamists and Sharia law. Nearly sixty percent of Muslim women in America reject the hijab and far more reject the niqab.  

I will remember Levi Strauss’ deployment of oppressive Islamist symbols when shopping in the future.

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Author: ffa   00000000   Category: Hijab  FFA: on
Tags: Levi Strauss

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