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It appears that Michael Kors discontinued selling its Floral Hijab after receiving thousands of emails of concern.

The National reported on March 7, 2019 that Michael Kors “has released its first hijab as part of a spring / summer 2019 capsule collection, which will be sold in stores across the Middle East from this month.”

Florida Family Association responded to this news by launching an online campaign and email alerts on March 8, 2019 titled “Michael Kors creates special ‘floral hijab’ to help Muslim women comply with Islamist Sharia mandate.”  The email alerts encouraged thousands of people to send emails to express disappointment to Michal Kors officials.

Good News.  NO Floral Hijab was found at Michael Kors' global retail website which includes the United Arab Emirates.  An internet search for the hijab sold by Michael Kors in the Middle East resulted with the finding of “Michael Kors UAE: Designer handbags, clothing, menswear, watches ...”  UAE stands for United Arab Emirates.  This search found Michael Kors' global website which does NOT show the Floral Hijab being offered for sale.

Additionally, Michael Kors' main web site does NOT show the Floral Hijab being sold.

Florida Family Association sent an email to Francesca Leoni, Michael Kors’ Senior Vice President and Chief Brand Officer and Michael Kors’ customer service team to inquire about the Floral Hijab.  However, neither has responded to Florida Family Association’s inquiry.

It appears that your email along with thousands of other concerned people may have influenced Michael Kors decision to discontinue marketing the oppressive symbol of Sharia law.

Corporate America's marketing of the hijab makes it more difficult for Muslim women to doff the Sharia mandated headgear altogether and stand against other harsh tenets of Sharia law that repress women.  Florida Family Association will continue to challenge companies to stop selling the hijab or using it in promotions.

Author: ffa   20190505   Category: Hijab  FFA: on
Tags: Michael Kors, hijab

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