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Chrysler Fiat did NOT advertise during the September 26, 2011 episode of The Playboy Club. Supporters’ emails made the difference.

This show appears to be little more than an INFOMERCIAL to promote Playboy’s struggling pornography business. Many Americans believe that pornography causes harm to families, marriages, men, women, children and our culture.

Chrysler Fiat did NOT advertise during the September 26, 2011 episode of The Playboy Club. 

Supporters’ emails made the difference.

No advertisements aired for Chrysler or Fiat during the September 26, 2011 episode of NBC’s new show The Playboy Club.    

Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on September 22, 2011 to report that Chrysler together with their Fiat investor parent was the leading advertiser on NBC’s show The Playboy Club.  Dodge Journey, Chrysler 300 and Fiat advertisements aired during the first episode on September 19, 2010.  

The email alert encouraged supporters to send emails to officials at Chrysler, Fiat and Chrysler Dodge dealerships.

Supporters’ emails to these officials made the difference.  Florida Family Association will target more leading advertisers of The Playboy Club in future email alerts.

Thank you for your support.

The Playboy Club

NBC’s new show called The Playboy Club is without doubt designed to promote the Playboy porn company.  The fact that The Playboy Club actress Laura Benanti is on the cover of the October 2011 issue of Playboy magazine clearly demonstrates NBC’s partnership in promoting pornography during this show.  This show appears to be little more than an INFOMERCIAL to promote Playboy’s struggling pornography business. 

Many Americans believe that pornography causes harm to families, marriages, men, women, children and our culture.  Numerous scenes in The Playboy Club promoted the hedonistic lifestyle.

  Many Americans believe that pornography causes harm to families, marriages, men, women, children and our culture.  

Glamorizing Hugh Hefner as an “American Icon” for starting the cesspool of smut that is now plaguing this country is offensive to the values of most Americans.

Airing this show on the unrestricted NBC channel that a person of any age can freely watch is equally irresponsible. 

The new show is profiled at this link but beware it is about NBC's Playboy show.

Author: ffa   20110928   Category: TV  FFA: on
Tags: NBC, The Playboy Club

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