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U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan denies timely justice for Lt. General Michael Flynn so his courtroom can be used for partisan politics.

Flynn’s “strident views about Muslims” is most likely why President Obama chose him to be the Russia collusion hoax scapegoat.

The United States Attorney General dropped all charges against Lt. General Michael Flynn regarding the Russia collusion hoax after documentation clearly showed that he was wrongfully targeted by the Obama administration.  However, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan declined to dismiss the case and instead is allowing amicus briefs to be filed against dismissal to advance partisan politics. 

Forbes published a column which describes why Judge Sullivan’s decision not to dismiss the case against General Flynn is an abuse of his power.  The Forbes column is titled:  Judge Sullivan Disregards Two Controlling Precedents By Appointing Amicus In Flynn Case.  The column states in part.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan disregarded two controlling precedents from higher courts with his decision to appoint John Gleeson as amicus curiae in the U.S. v. Michael Flynn case this week. Judicial conduct similar to J. Sullivan’s in these prior, far less politically charged cases was roundly and unanimously condemned by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, D.C. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan, and their colleagues across the ideological spectrum. So, whether or not one agrees with the Department of Justice’s call to drop its charges against President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, there should be widespread agreement that J. Sullivan has veered way out of line.

One week ago, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 9-0 decision, authored by Justice Ginsburg, that took judges to task for similar amicus antics. Her opinion for the Court in U.S. v. Sineneng-Smith upbraided the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for violating a basic aspect of legal proceedings called the “party presentation principle.” In a nutshell, this concept dictates that judges must decide the case as presented by the parties before them. They are not to go out questing for dragons to slay (or issues to tackle) that the parties have not brought before them. As J. Ginsburg put it: “[C]ourts are essentially passive instruments of government … They ‘do not, or should not, sally forth each day looking for wrongs to right. [They] wait for cases to come to [them], and when [cases arise, courts] normally decide only questions presented by the parties.”

The media is already spewing lies to cloud the truth that the Obama administration targeted Lt. General Michael Flynn with the Russia collusion hoax.  Here are some of the leftist stories being published

FLYNN’S STRIDENT VIEWS ABOUT MUSLIMS.  Lt. General Michael Flynn’s strident criticism of Islam is most likely the reason why Obama chose him to be the scapegoat in the Russia collusion hoax.

•    Politico reportsFlynn also spent two years atop the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration, though that job ended in 2014 after he clashed with the CIA and senior Pentagon officials and shocked some of his colleagues with his increasingly strident views about Muslims.

•    November 18, 2016:  CBS produced a report titled Donald Trump National Security Adviser Mike Flynn Has Called Islam 'a Cancer.'   Subtitle: “I've been at war with Islam, or a component of Islam, for the last decade."

•    The FBI subsequently recorded Mike Flynn’s controversial conversation with Russian Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. 

•    President Obama supported the Islamist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood. 

•    President Obama backed Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood. 

•  CAIR urged the president not to appoint Flynn to a White House post because of his history of anti-Muslim comments and associations. Flynn has claimed that "Islam is not a real religion, but a political ideology masked behind a religion," compared Islam to a "cancer," stated that fear of Muslims is "rational," and is a current member of the board of advisers for the nation's most virulent anti-Muslim hate group, ACT for America. 

Judge Sullivan’s denial of dismissal and allowing amicus briefs is intended to feed the leftist media frenzy to counter the truth. 

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan regarding his decision to deny justice and exploit his courtroom for partisan politics.

Will expressing concern to this judge make a difference?  We will never know if we do not try.  He needs to know there are many Americans that want to have confidence in the judicial system.

Click here to send your email to U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. SullivanOnly one email address is targeted in this email.  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

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Denial of timely justice for General Flynn and political exploitation of courtroom is harmful, shameful.

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Denying dismissal of the case against Lt General Michael Flynn so your courtroom can be used for partisan politics is shameful and harmful.  Denying equal justice and grandstanding amicus briefs for partisan politics will harm the confidence that millions of Americans have in our judicial system.  Please reconsider your decision and show America that your courtroom grants equal justice for all.



Contact information:

District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan
United States District Court
District of Columbia
333 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20001

Chambers: (202) 354-3260


Author: ffa   20200518   Category: Courts  FFA: on
Tags: Lt General Michael Flynn

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