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New York Post reports Verizon scrambles to unload HuffPost as losses mount.


Huffpost.com’s large number of readers and high volume of pro-Islamist and vitriolic, leftist reports makes it a leading proliferator of Islamist and vitriolic, leftist propaganda in the United States.

Florida Family Association has influenced over 1300 companies to stop advertising at HuffPost since April 2016 because of its vitriolic content that inspires leftist hate and Islamist political propaganda.

The New York Post reports "Verizon scrambles to unload HuffPost as losses mount."  The article reports that HuffPost’s annual revenues averaged $45 million while expenses ranged between $60 to $70 million during recent years. The article alleges that revenues dropped by another $5 million this year because of Covid 19.

However, Florida Family Association's (FFA) efforts to influence companies to stop advertising garnered greater results with some of HuffPost's most fervent advertisers when FFA combined direct mail campaigns with email campaigns during the last ten months.  These combined campaigns influenced ardent advertisers like State Farm, Rooms To Go, Salvation Army, Dell, Hewlett Packard and Pulte to stop advertising.  Additionally, FFA influenced 133 companies to stop advertising at HuffPost during the first 7 months of 2020 compared to 97 companies during the same 7 month period in 2019.  Many, if not the super majority, of these 133 companies were NEW advertisers that had the funds to advertise DURING Covid 19 economic pressures. These companies stopped advertising after receiving information from FFA regarding HuffPost's vitriolic content NOT because they didn’t have the funds to advertise.  

The New York Post article reports the true reason why companies are not advertising at HuffPost.  It's because of HuffPost's leftist vitriolic content.  And Florida Family Association is the organization that informs companies about HuffPost's leftist vitriolic content and urges them to block advertising.  The New York Post reports in part:

“This thing loses so much money,” a digital media executive with knowledge of the financials said. “It’s such a mess, I wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. I don’t think there’s any way you can make money.”

"Who wants to buy ads on the thing? Nobody. If Verizon can’t make money on it, who can?,” the source said. “And, you have to fire half the people? There goes the traffic. The brand means nothing anymore and it’s ultra-partisan.”

A very special THANKS to everyone who sent emails, letters and postcards to urge companies to stop supporting HuffPost's leftist vitriolic content with customer money.  You are making a great difference. Florida Family Association plans to continue to urge companies to stop advertising at HuffPost.

To read the New York Post article click here.

Author: ffa   20200930   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on
Tags: Verizon, HuffPost

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