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Unilever advertisement for Vaseline attempts to legitimize Black Lives Matter and appears to label America at large racist.

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Unilever recently released a television advertisement for its Vaseline product line that shows a woman with huge BLM letters written on her pregnant belly.   The woman is holding a sign that states:  “You murdered many.  I’m bringing in (word unreadable).  Please don’t kill me.”  She voiced the words:  “To my beautiful black baby.  You’re being born into a country with history.  A history of violence against your skin.  You’ll still have to fight for the care you need.  But this moment is a reckoning to change the story of your skin.  While you’re being born America is being reborn.  We’re on a four hundred year journey and scars don’t fade.  But neither does hope.”  Unilever published the following statement with the ad:  “At Vaseline, we know that systemic racism and healthcare inequities negatively impact Black and Brown communities. Skincare is no exception. So we’ve made it our mission to champion change needed to eradicate racism because we believe all people should have equal access to care.”

The Vaseline advertisement can be viewed at Youtube.com here or at Vaseline Facebook.com page here.

Unilever could certainly promote racial equity without legitimizing the Marxist and violent Black Lives Matter group.  Additionally, Unilever’s advertisement appears to erroneously label America at large as racist by using the words “You murdered many” on her sign, “A history of violence against your skin” in her audio and “systemic racism” in the corporate statement.

It is irresponsible for Unilever to promote Black Lives Matter given this history:

•    Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” –

•    Black Lives Matter is sponsoring a petition to defund the police across America.  

•    Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome states if US “doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system.”       

•    The person who shot the Patriot Prayer member in Portland Oregon had a Black Lives Matter tattoo on his neck.   

•    Black Lives Matter activists celebrated as that Patriot Prayer member was killed.

Hundreds of police officers have been the victims of Black Lives Matter and/or Antifa violence.   Numerous law enforcement officers have died from riot violence and ambushes.  Tens of thousands of law enforcement families live in daily fear of losing a loved one to radical leftists or losing their family’s livelihood.

If Black Lives Matter is successful in its Marxist mission the safety and welfare of millions of America families will suffer severely for many years to come.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to Unilever regarding its Vaseline advertisement.

Click here to send your email to Unilever officials(For Gmail, Yahoo and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to Unilever officials (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser because some Unilever officials are blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server and emails with specific Subject Line wording.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Ad is over the top and irresponsible.

Suggested content:

I was very disappointed to see the Vaseline advertisement showing a woman with huge BLM letters on her pregnant belly while holding a sign that states “You murdered many.”  Unilever could certainly promote racial equity without legitimizing the Marxist and violent Black Lives Matters group.  The ad also appears to erroneously label America at large as racist by using the words “You murdered many” on her sign,  “A history of violence against your skin” in her audio and “systemic racism” in the corporate statement.  I urge you to stop airing this over the top and irresponsible advertisement.

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Contact information:

Alan Jope Chief
Executive Officer

Graeme Pitkethly
Chief Financial Officer

Conny Braams
Chief Digital & Marketing Officer

Fabian Garcia
President, North America


Author: ffa   20201116   Category: Black Lives Matter  FFA: on
Tags: Unilever, Vaseline

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