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HuffPost escalates hateful, deceitful rhetoric that can inflame readers disdain toward conservatives. LeafFilter is a new top advertiser at HuffPost.

See email prepared below to send to LeafFilter officials.

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HuffPost.com is feeding its readers with increasingly hateful and deceitful propaganda which inspires disdain toward other Americans and promotes Islamist propaganda.  HuffPost’s articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  Listed below are some of HuffPost’s more recent articles:  

Why You Can’t Out-Organize Voter Suppression
Aside from the financial and human costs, it is impossible to organize when Republicans make that very act illegal.

Sen. Rand Paul Told To ‘Get F**ked’ During Virtual Town Hall

Kentuckian Alexis Toon explained on her TikTok that she was invited to the town hall Q&A “so I took the opportunity and ran with it.”

Man Confronts Tucker Carlson At Montana Store: ‘You Are The Worst Human Being’
The Fox host got an earful when he popped into a fly fishing store.

Laura Ingraham Has Olympics Freakout Over ‘Woke’ Athletes, COVID-19 Rules In Tokyo
The Fox News personality just wants things to go back to how they were — when Olympians couldn’t protest.

Huffpost.com routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people.  These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations, blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims, promoted an anti-Semitic blog and encouraged Islamist demagoguery.  Examples of HuffPost's vitriolic, leftist hate and twenty five examples of Islamist propaganda articles are posted here at this floridafamily.org article.

Many new advertisers conducted business with HuffPost.com after it was purchased by BuzzFeed in February 2021.  These new advertisers are likely companies that have been doing business with BuzzFeed.   Florida Family Association communicates with these companies before developing online campaigns that encourage them to stop supporting HuffPost’s hate inspiring propaganda. Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of companies do not advertise again after receiving emails from the Florida Family Association office regarding HuffPost’s propaganda.

The Florida Family Association office has sent numerous emails to encourage LeafFilter officials to stop advertising at HuffPost.  However, Leaffilter continued to advertise.  LeafFilter certainly has the right to advertise in whatever forum it chooses. You have the same right to voice concern regarding the content on such forums and choose to support organizations that will not spend your consumer dollars supporting leftist hate and Islamist propaganda.

1,506 out of 1,534 companies have stopped advertising at Huffpost.com.  We must keep the pressure on HuffPost advertisers especially now that BuzzFeed reports just how financially week the company is.  BuzzFeed acquired HuffPost on February 16, 2021.  BuzzFeed's CEO, Jonah Peretti makes it clear in this March 9, 2021 HuffPost article that HuffPost faces hard financial hurdles:  "HuffPost’s losses totaled around $20 million in 2020.  Though BuzzFeed is a profitable company, we don’t have the resources to support another two years of losses.

Florida Family Association  has prepared an email for you to send to encourage LeafFilter officials to stop supporting Huffpost.com's leftist hate and Islamist propaganda with its donors’ money.  

Click here to send your email to LeafFilter(For Gmail and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)

Click here to send your email to LeafFilter.  (For Yahoo and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to LeafFilter (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

This email will open in your email browser because LeafFilter started blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Please do not support this hate with customer money.

Suggested content:

I am very concerned that LeafFilter advertises at HuffPost which routinely publishes many venomous articles that inflame negative attitudes towards Christians, Jews, American troops, police and white people.  These articles certainly inspire division at the least and disdain for other American citizens at the worst.  HuffPost publishes dangerous Islamist propaganda that has defended misogynistic Sharia law, defended the Muslim Brotherhood, fundraised for the Council on American Islamic Relations and wrongfully blamed Christians for worldwide conflict with Muslims.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


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Author: ffa   20230324   Category: HuffPost  FFA: on
Tags: Leaffilter

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