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The ReidOut the most racist anti white program on television is supported by Nutrisystem advertising dollars.

Click here to send your email to encourage Nutrisytem officials to stop supporting Joy Reid's anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate show with its advertising.

Joy Reid continues to inspire hate for white America and promote lies about conservatives.  The August 29, 2023 episode of The ReidOut started out with a segment titled “Conservatives Co-Opt The Mantle of Black Oppression.”  Once again Joy Reid used bogus rhetoric to throw fuel on the flames of black on white racism and continued to divide America.  Her show continued on with more lies in another segment titled “House Republicans reverse course on Defund the Police.”

Joy Reid and leftists know that they do not need a shred of truth represented in any rational form when throwing gas on the fire of black on white hate and leftist on conservative disdain.

The ReidOut’s host, sit in hosts and some contributors promote anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate propaganda that is offensive, racist and likely inspires hate among some viewers of this show.   Joy Reid supports defund the police movement, defends Black Lives Matter riots, promotes reparations, advocates Critical Race Theory and disparages white people especially Christian white people.  Reid is so prolific with anti-white hate speech that Tucker Carlson called her “the race lady.” 

The content of Joy Reid’s show is so degrading to the white race that it can easily be seen as one of the worst on cable television.  The ReidOut averages 1.4 million viewers.  That is why the Florida Family Association office has been sending emails to the CEO and CMO of companies that advertise on The ReidOut since November 2021.    These emails provide numerous examples of Joy Reid’s anti-white hate speech.

Nutrisytem has frequently advertised on The ReidOut since January 2021.   In all likelihood Nutrisytem would not support with its advertising dollars a white talk show host or white contributors making such false and offensive statements about black people.  Nutrisytem certainly has the right to advertise on whatever shows it chooses.  Likewise, you have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic propaganda.

377 out of 454 companies (83%) have stopped advertising on The ReidOut.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Nutrisytem officials to stop supporting Joy Reid's anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate show with its advertising.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to encourage Nutrisytem officials to stop supporting Joy Reid's anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate show with its advertising.

Contact info:

Nutrisystem Officers

Stephen Mikulak, President

Jay Butt, CFO

Stacie Mullen, VP Advertising

Nutrisystem is owned by Kainos Capital
Kainos Capital officials

Andrew Rosen, Managing Partner

Robert Sperry, Partner

Kevin Elliott, Partner

Nutrisystem Board member

Mike Hagan, Director
Managing Partner, Hawk Capital

Author: ffa   00000000   Category: The ReidOut  FFA: on

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