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MSNBC’s Joy Reid levels more hate for conservatives as she equates voting for Trump with eating a ‘Pile of Poo’ and pushes the bogus threat of Christian Nationalism. U Haul started advertising again.

Joy Reid’s gaslighting her audience has reached a new level of depravity.

Click here to send your email to encourage U Haul to stop supporting The ReidOut's anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian hate show with U Box advertising.

Joy Reid said on her show “It’s literally, you go to a dinner and your choices are steak or a pile of poo. This is not a difficult choice. Pick the steak! For the love of God!”  Click here to see video. 

Reid is clearly showing her disdain for conservatives and gaslighting here audience.

Additionally, her July 9, 2024 episode pushed more lies about MAGA in her opening segment titled "The Plan to Foist Christian Nationalism on the US."  How sick, twisted and hypocritical is her program and other leftist shows that support the openly violent Hamas movement in American and hate against Jews and Christians while alleging at the same time some bogus threat of Christian nationalism.

Joy Reid's show "The ReidOut" on MSNBC is perhaps the most anti-white racist show on cable news along with its equally offensive anti-Semitic and anti-Christian content.  The ReidOut’s host, sit in hosts and some contributors promote anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate propaganda that is offensive, racist and likely inspires hate among some viewers of this show.   Joy Reid supports defund the police movement, defends Black Lives Matter riots, promotes reparations, advocates Critical Race Theory and disparages white people especially Christian white people.  Reid is so prolific with anti-white hate speech that Tucker Carlson called her “the race lady.”  Read more information regarding The ReidOut including numerous examples of her irresponsible content.

Joy Reid and leftists know that they do not need a shred of truth represented in any rational form when throwing gas on the fire of anti-Semitism, black on white hate and leftist on conservative disdain.

The content of Joy Reid’s show is so degrading to the white race that it can easily be seen as one of the worst on cable television.  The ReidOut averages 1.4 million viewers.  That is why the Florida Family Association office has been sending emails to the CEO and CMO of companies that advertise on The ReidOut since November 2021.

U-Box started advertising on The ReidOut in March 2024.  U-Haul owns U-Box.   Florida Family Association launched a campaign in mid May that allowed people to send emails to urge U Haul to stop supporting Reid’s leftist hate with company advertising dollars.  U Haul stopped advertising for six weeks.  However, the company resumed advertising U Box on The ReidOut in July.  U-Haul certainly has the right to advertise on whatever shows the company chooses.  Likewise, you have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate propaganda.

448 out of 528 companies (85%) have stopped advertising on The ReidOut.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage U Haul to stop supporting The ReidOut's anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian hate show with U Box advertising.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to encourage U Haul to stop supporting The ReidOut's anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian hate show with U Box advertising.

Contact information:

Joe Shoen, CEO

John Taylor, President

Sam Shoen, Manager of U-BOX Project

Jason Berg, CFO



Author: ffa   20240815   Category: Joy Reid  FFA: on

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