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Balsam Hill advertising Christmas decorations on the Joy Reid show is offensive and irresponsible given her history of denigrating Christians. Reid continues Russia false narrative to demean Tulsi Gabbard and inspire malice toward conservatives.

Click here to send your email to urge Balsam Hill officials to stop supporting this hate filled disinformation show with its customers’ money.

517 companies have instructed their media buyers to stop allowing their products to be advertised on Joy Reid’s divisive, hate inspiring misinformation program.

The ReidOut, hosted by Joy Reid, November 15, 2024 episode pushed a segment titled “Trump’s Director of National Intelligence Pick Tulsi Gabbard has parroted Russian Propaganda.”  The ReidOut sit-in host continued to push this proven lie on the November 19, 2024 episode of The ReidOut that Tulsi is a “Russian propaganda artist.”  

This disinformation is intended to corrupt public knowledge and instill malice toward conservatives.

Christian retailer Balsam Hill started advertising on The ReidOut a couple of weeks ago to promote its line of Christmas decorations.  Balsam Hill’s advertising Christmas decorations on The ReidOut is offensive and irresponsible given the show’s history of denigrating Christians.

Joy Reid expressed her hate for white Christians during MSNBC’s January 15, 2024 coverage of the Iowa caucuses.  She said in part: “All the things that we think about, about electability, about what are people gaming out, but none of that matters when you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a White, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American, is a less real American. Then you don’t care about electability. You care about what God has given you.”

Joy Reid defended the likes of Hamas but continued to make degrading comments about Christianity.  Reid took yet another shot at the faith of tens of millions of Americans on her October 27, 2023 show in the segment titled “New House Speaker’s Extreme Views Emerge.”  She said “The danger of having a house speaker who has made it loud and clear that his evangelical faith underpins his entire world political view…”

Joy Reid attacked the Christian faith of many of the Supreme Court Justices on her July 3, 2023 show during a segment titled ‘SUPREME EXTREMISM.”  Joy Reid said the following after showing a video of a speech made by Justice Samuel Alito.  “Justice Samuel Alito utilizing his First Amendment Rights to share his personal views about religion.  The problem is Alito and other right wing justices are imposing their own personal moral beliefs on all of us.”  Joy Reid denigrated Justice Alito’s Christian faith on her April 22, 2023 show when she said “Alito is playing ‘mullah’ in his dissent in SCOTUS’ abortion drug ruling.”  Reid has a long history of maligning people of the Christian faith.

Joy Reid’s March 29, 2023 show headlined a misinformation segment titled “Religious Right Targets Transgender Americans – Transgender Americans Under Siege” just days after a transgender killed  three  children and three staff members at a Christian School.  Reid’s reckless lies could have fueled trans hate  even more for Christians just in time for the Antifa sponsored “Trans Day of Vengeance.  Stop Trans Genocide.  April 1st at 11:00 am.  Assemble at Scotus.  Wear a mask.  Bring a Buddy.”  Where is Reid's  concern  about  the  violent  Antifa  group rallying trans people against other Americans?

Joy Reid attacked white people and denigrated Judeo-Christian values when she said on her March 10, 2023 show 'If it ain't white, it ain't right in DeSantistan' in her attack on the Florida legislation.  Reid outright attacked white people.  She also denigrated Judeo-Christian values by her use of the "stan" vernacular in an attempt to equate the conservative values of Florida white people to Islamic radicals in Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.

Joy Reid promoted the book “White Too Long” on her July 28, 2022 episode with the author telling her audience that “white (emphasized) Christian Nationalism is what the threat is before us.”  Robert P. Jones authored the book titled “White Too Long – The legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity.”  Jones, another guest on The ReidOut spewing hate filled lies about white Christians, also authored the book “The End of White Christian American.”

Joy Reid had Anthea Butler, a professor of religion and the chair of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Religious Studies, on the May 9, 2022 episode of The ReidOut to promote her racist book titled “White Evangelical Racism” as part of Reid’s discussion on Roe v Wade.  Butler falsely contends that it was racism, not abortion, that bonded white evangelical Christians with ancestry going back to the early time of colonial America.  Butler erroneously asserts, while sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and transphobia are currently woven into White evangelical ideology, the centrality of anti-Black racism imbues every facet of its belief system and political outlook.

Joy Reid berated white Christians again for being racists on her MSNBC show “The ReidOut” on March 7, 2022. Reid argued that the only reason "the world" cares about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is because it's happening to a "white and largely Christian" nation.  She said “We don’t need to ask ourselves if our response would be the same if Russia unleashed their horror on a country that wasn’t white and largely Christian.”

Joy Reid’s tweet comparing Christians to the Taliban appears to capture some of the “God hating narrative of the left” that Jason Whitlock describes.   Fox News reports:  MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid came under fire Saturday for comparing the religious right in the United States to the Taliban, claiming they want to force women "solely into childbirth" and out of the workforce.  "This is the real-life Handmaid’s Tale," Reid tweeted, comparing the situation in Afghanistan to the novel and dystopian drama series "The Handmaid's Tale," where women are portrayed as property and forced to bear children.   "A true cautionary tale for the U.S., which has our own far religious right dreaming of a theocracy that would impose a particular brand of Christianity, drive women from the workforce and solely into childbirth, and control all politics," the tweet continued.

Balsam Hill’s advertising Christmas decorations on The ReidOut is offensive and irresponsible given the show’s history of denigrating Christians.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Balsam Hill officials to stop supporting Joy Reid's hate filled disinformation show with its customers’ money.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to urge Balsam Hill officials to stop supporting this hate filled disinformation show with its customers’ money.

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