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Morgan Stanley owned Etrade advertising supports Joy Reid’s continued push of misinformation and anti white, anti Christian and anti Semitic hate on her low information viewers.

See email prepared below to send to Morgan Stanley and Etrade officials.

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517 companies have instructed their media buyers to stop allowing their products to be advertised on Joy Reid’s divisive, hate inspiring misinformation program.

Joy Reid falsely claims Trump transition to power was ‘the most violent in US history’ according to this Fox News report.

Joy Reid falsely claims ‘billionaire right’ wants ‘apartheid’ state in post-wildfire California according to this Fox News report.

The ReidOut, hosted by Joy Reid on MSNBC, is rife with misinformation and false narratives that are intended to corrupt public knowledge and inspire malice toward Christians, Jews and White people.  Joy Reid supports defund the police movement, defends Black Lives Matter riots, promotes reparations, advocates Critical Race Theory and disparages white people especially Christian white people.  Joy Reid’s show on MSNBC epitomizes the harmful elements of Critical Race Theory (CRT).   Read more about Joy Reids hate and misinformation.

Why is this campaign important?  Joy Reid spewing her hate against Jews, Christians and white people has to have an impact on her 1,275,000 viewers' attitudes toward the same groups of people.  Florida Family Association's first objective is to successfully encourage companies to stop advertising.  When companies stop advertising on The ReidOut because of her hate towards other Americans it is a repudiation of her show in the market place.  However, the second objective which is just as important if not more important is that these companies need to know that there are many people, many consumers, who are adamantly opposed to Critical Race Theory, the Black Lives Matter movement, anti-Semitism and hate for Christians. Florida Family Association office emails and the emails from thousands of FFA supporters counter the leftist pressure on these companies to embrace leftist hate.  Apart from our campaign regarding The ReidOut these companies may never receive a significant number of opposing comments regarding these issues.

Etrade has advertised on The ReidOut for several years.  Morgan Stanley owns Etrade.  Florida Family Association has sent emails to Morgan Stanley officials to encourage the company to stop advertising.  Etrade did stop for a period of time but has since resumed advertising.  Morgan Stanley and Etrade certainly have the right to advertise on whatever media it chooses.  Likewise, you have the same right to voice concern and not patronize companies that support hate filled disinformation propaganda with its customers’ money.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage Morgan Stanley and Etrade to stop supporting Joy Reid's hate filled disinformation show with its customers’ money.

Click here to send your email to Morgan Stanley and Etrade.  (For Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, live.com and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  

Click here to send your email to thank Morgan Stanley and Etrade.  (For Yahoo.com, Comcast.net, Frontier.com, AOL and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to thank Morgan Stanley and Etrade. (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

Unlike most of Florida Family Association's action emails this email is designed to open in your email client because Morgan Stanley is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email by copying the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below in your own email client.  Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Disappointed that Etrade advertising supports hate filled disinformation.

Suggested content:

I am very disappointed that Etrade advertises on The ReidOut show which promotes hate toward Jews, Christians and white people.

The ReidOut, hosted by Joy Reid on MSNBC, is rife with misinformation and false narratives that are intended to corrupt public knowledge and inspire malice toward Christians, Jews and White people.

You have the right to advertise wherever you want.  I have the same right to voice my concern and patronize companies that do not sponsor such hate.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


Contact information:

Edward "Ted" Pick, CEO Chairman
Morgan Stanley

Michael Pizzi,CEO

Alice Milligan Chief Marketing Officer
Morgan Stanley

Sharon Yeshaya, CFO
Morgan Stanley

Author: ffa   20250129   Category: Joy Reid  FFA: on

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